
This specification defines Hyperdata, an extension to JSON and IRI that adds classes, IRI identifiers, namespaces, and shared schemas to JSON objects. It is designed to enhance interoperability, data linking, and the self-descriptiveness of JSON data.


Hyperdata is designed to layer on simply to existing JSON data, by adding a #class:

  "#class": "https://example.com/schema#Article",
  "title": "Introduction to Hyperdata"

Doing this specifies the following values via implicit derivation:

object class IRI:             https://example.com/schema#Article       (full-IRI)
namespace IRI:                https://example.com/schema#              (ns-IRI)
object property IRI:          https://example.com/schema#title         (full-IRI)
schema document IRI:          https://example.com/schema               (base-IRI)
short form name-fragments:    Article, title                           (name-fragment)

The expectation is that when you dereference the schema document base-IRI of https://example.com/schema (for example via HTTP GET), a successful response will be a Hyperdata document describing the schema within the established https://example.com/schema# namespace.

The dereferenced schema document is expected to specify:

  • the Article class, described by an object with an #id value of https://example.com/schema#Article, and
  • the named properties of the Article class, such as title, which would be described by an object with an #id value of https://example.com/schema#title.

In this manner, the Article class and its title property are universally and unambiguously named within the IRI space, allowing shared understanding of readily accessible Hyperdata.

By adding an #id to the previous example, it can also be universally named within the IRI space, allowing it to be referenced and dereferenced within the web of Hyperdata.

  "#namespace": "https://example.com/schema#",
  "#class": "Article",
  "#id": "https://example.com/hyperdata-introduction#description",
  "title": "Introduction to Hyperdata"

Again, the expectation is that when you dereference the implicitly derived document base-IRI of https://example.com/hyperdata-introduction, a successful response will include the above example Hyperdata object. This example introduces all three JSON property extensions defined by Hyperdata: #namespace, #class, #id, and the short form name-fragment style.

Mixin Property Modelling

Hyperdata is designed to follow the common single class based inheritance model of class Person extends Agent, however so as not to constrain its usage, object property names may be either a name-fragment as in previous examples, or a full-IRI. Usage of a full-IRI enables a mixin style composition of Hyperdata object descriptions.

  "#namespace": "https://example.com/schema#",
  "#class": "Article",
  "#id": "https://example.com/hyperdata-introduction#description",
  "title": "Introduction to Hyperdata",
  "https://example.com/version#sha256": "c61379b9379dbbea76341ac49e1ea5e85b9a441053a404f42d16cd2c2db81959"

In this example, the Hyperdata includes an object property name https://example.com/version#sha256 from a different namespace (https://example.com/version#) to the default defined for the object (https://example.com/schema#).

JSON Property Extensions


  • Value Space: full-IRI
  • Lexical Space: name-fragment OR full-IRI
  • Description: Specifies the full-IRI of the class of this object.
  • Behavior:
    • If the value of #class is a full-IRI, the value of #namespace MUST be set to the computed ns-IRI.
      • Example: {"#class": "https://example.com/schema#Person"} entails {"#namespace": "https://example.com/schema#"}
    • If the value of #class is an name-fragment, the value MUST be appended to the in-scope #namespace to compute it's full-IRI value.
      • Example: {"#namespace": "https://example.com/schema#", "#class": "Person"} entails a full-IRI of https://example.com/schema#Person


  • Value Space: ns-IRI
  • Lexical Space: # OR ns-IRI
  • Description: Specifies the namespace of the current object and its children, unless they define a different namespace explicitly via #namespace or implicitly via a full-IRI #class.
  • Behavior:
    • If not defined on the current in-scope object, it MUST be inherited from the parent object.
    • If the value of #class is a full-IRI, the ns-IRI value specified by this #namespace MUST be ignored.

Object Property Name Expansion

  • Value Space: full-IRI
  • Lexical Space: name-fragment OR full-IRI
  • Description: Potentially establishes a unique universally quantified full-IRI for the property.
  • Behavior:
    • If the value is an name-fragment, the value MUST be appened to the in-scope #namespace to compute its potential full-IRI value.
      • Example: {"#namespace": "https://example.com/schema#", "name": "Jon Doe"} entails a full-IRI of https://example.com/schema#name
    • If the full-IRI cannot be determined to have a Hyperdata description after successfully dereferencing the associated Hyperdata document or some other out of band method, it should be treated as traditional JSON object property name (it's lexical string form name-fragment).
    • If the full-IRI belongs to a different Hyperdata namespace than the current in-scope #namespace, the property MAY be treated as a Mixin.
    • If the full-IRI belongs to a different #class than the one specified for the in-scope object, the property MAY be treated as a Mixin.


  • Value Space: ns-IRI OR full-IRI
  • Lexical Space: ns-IRI OR full-IRI OR # OR (# name-fragment)
  • Description: Establishes a unique universally quantified IRI for the object to which this property belongs, and which the object describes.
  • Behavior:
    • If not defined on the current in-scope object, the object SHOULD be considered as existentially quantified.
    • If the lexical space is # OR (# name-fragment):
      • a full-IRI SHOULD be formed by appending it to a base-IRI established by common out of band methods, such as the IRI used in a successful HTTP GET dereference which provided the Hyperdata document.
      • The current in-scope namespace ns-IRI MUST NOT be considered when resolving it.

IRI Name Concepts

Hyperdata Document base-IRI

A Hyperdata Document is a JSON document that can be dereferenced using a unique identifier known as the base-IRI.

When accessed over HTTP, the document should be served with the media type application/json.

  • base-IRI - a dereferencable IRI that does not include a #name-fragment.
    • https://example.com/schema

Hyperdata Namespace ns-IRI

In a Hyperdata Document, the namespace it provides is identified by a ns-IRI. This defines a #namespace within which Things, Properties, and Classes are named and described.

  • ns-IRI - a namespace IRI which always ends with a #.
    • https://example.com/schema#

Hyperdata Names full-IRI, name-fragment

In Hyperdata, Things, Properties, or Classes are given canonical full-IRI names.

  • full-IRI - an IRI that ends with a #name-fragment.
    • https://example.com/schema#Person, https://example.com/schema#name

Within a Hyperdata document, a short form name-fragment can be used as a more concise way to denote a full-IRI when combined with a #namespace.

  • name-fragment - a shorthand syntax used within Hyperdata documents to represent a full-IRI.
    • {"#namespace": "https://example.com/schema#", "#class": "Person", "name": "Jon Doe"}

IRI ABNF Extensions

Hyperdata extends the Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs) - RFC3987 ABNF with the following four terms, for use in Hyperdata.

   base-IRI       = scheme ":" ihier-part [ "?" iquery ]
   ns-IRI         = base-IRI "#"
   full-IRI       = ns-IRI name-fragment
   name-fragment  = 1*( ipchar / "/" / "?" )

Implicit Derivation of Namespaces and Documents

Hyperdata introduces a strict subset of three IRI forms, each a valid IRI form, which enable implicit derivation of both the namespace's ns-IRI, and the Hyperdata document's base-IRI from a single full-IRI.

To derive a ns-IRI from a full-IRI, remove everything after the #.

  • https://example.com/schema#Person to https://example.com/schema#

To derive a base-IRI from a full-IRI or an ns-IRI, remove the # and any characters following it.

  • https://example.com/schema#Person OR https://example.com/schema# to https://example.com/schema

To combine a full-IRI from a ns-IRI and a name-fragment, append the name-fragment to the ns-IRI.

  • https://example.com/schema# + Person = https://example.com/schema#Person

Given a #class value of https://example.com/schema#Person, we can implicitly determine the #namespace to be https://example.com/schema# and the Hyperdata document's dereferenceable base-IRI to be https://example.com/schema.


{"#namespace": "https://example.com/schema#", "#class": "Person", "name": "Jon Doe"}

can succinctly be represented as:

{"#class": "https://example.com/schema#Person", "name": "Jon Doe"}

and agents can attempt to dereference the base-IRI to obtain the Hyperdata schema:

> GET /schema HTTP/1.1
> Host: example.com
> Accept: application/json