
Convert HTTP Archive (HAR) -> Web Archive (WARC) format

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Convert HTTP Archive (HAR) -> Web Archive (WARC) format

pip install har2warc

Command-Line Usage

har2warc <input.har> <output.warc.gz>

Libary Usage

har2warc can be used as a python library.

Simple usage similar to CLI interface:

from har2warc.har2warc import har2warc

har2warc('input.har', 'output.warc.gz')

Also supports reading and writing from buffers:

from har2warc.har2warc import har2warc

har = json.loads(...)

with open('output.warc.gz', 'w+b') as warc:
     har2warc(har, warc)

     # READ WARC