- 0
Update branding
#156 opened by Shrinks99 - 0
Broken webrecorder logo link on specs page
#154 opened by extua - 0
Document WARC pageinfo records
#153 opened by tw4l - 0
- 10
New spec: Request body canonicalization
#141 opened by tw4l - 4
question: incorporation of HTTPS cert data for additional authenticity check
#147 opened by cosmicexplorer - 0
- 1
ReSpec generation from Markdown
#143 opened by edsu - 2
New Spec: IPFS Chunking of WACZ/WARC
#134 opened by RangerMauve - 0
- 17
WACZ Aggregation / Multi WACZ Specification
#112 opened by edsu - 0
WACZ Signing and Verification spec: Support for timestamped anonynous signatures
#142 opened by matteocargnelutti - 1
IPFS Chunking Spec Diagrams
#138 opened by Shrinks99 - 2
[Use Case]: timestamping WARCs inside a WACZ
#140 opened by mikevandijk - 1
Can you make a converter tool for converting html files to fully warc files so that it can work properly with rhizome conifer please.
#137 opened by KaineRecycler - 3
New Spec: Nested WACZ files?
#129 opened by ikreymer - 1
wacz-auth: `signedData` or `signatureData` in `datapackage-digest.json`?
#131 opened by matteocargnelutti - 1
- 1
- 1
[Threat]: Surveillance and disinformation campaigns
#85 opened by edsu - 1
[Threat]: Archived web content as evidentiary weapon
#86 opened by edsu - 1
[Use Case]: Documenting disinformation campaigns
#87 opened by edsu - 1
[Threat]: Web archive for delivering trojan attack
#88 opened by edsu - 1
[Use Case]: author caches open web references at time of citation, to deposit or submit later along with manuscript
#89 opened by nullhandle - 1
[Use Case]: website owner reconstructs local archive of lost website content from one or more web archives
#90 opened by nullhandle - 1
[Use Case]: user retrieves webpages from web archives for local full-text search
#92 opened by nullhandle - 1
- 1
[Use Case]: Offline-first curriculum materials
#94 opened by SuaYoo - 1
- 1
[Use Case]: Repatriation
#116 opened by edsu - 0
[Threat]: Trauma when reviewing content
#121 opened by edsu - 0
New Spec: Document POST canonicalization rules
#128 opened by ikreymer - 0
- 0
Extract CDXJ from WACZ 1.2.0
#124 opened by edsu - 0
Add link between WACZ spec and signing spec
#123 opened by ikreymer - 9
Ensure current version is represented in respec
#119 opened by ikreymer - 1
- 1
datapackage.json "profile" key
#118 opened by steko - 0
CORS headers for hosting
#111 opened by edsu - 0
Data Package signing
#114 opened by edsu - 0
Document search index specification
#110 opened by edsu - 1
Normative vs non-normative
#101 opened by edsu - 2
- 1
WACZ Signing Spec
#105 opened by ikreymer - 2
Consider unzipped WACZ usage
#96 opened by ikreymer - 0
#102 opened by edsu - 1
Multiword naming conventions
#97 opened by edsu - 0
Respec errors/warnings
#104 opened by ikreymer - 0
Use case document
#100 opened by edsu - 1
Identify gaps in the specification
#95 opened by ikreymer