A polling app for scheduling events.
Polly is a simple and easy to use polling app that helps you schedule events - Decide what you want to organise, suggest some dates, then let participants vote on the options that work best for them.
An experiment in using React Server Components and Server Actions. Built using Next.js and MongoDB.
Server Components and Sever Actions allow the site to be functional even with JavaScript disabled.
- Node 18 (preferably via nvm)
- Docker (for local MongoDB)
Use nvm to load the correct version of Node for the project:
nvm use
Install dependencies:
npm install
Create a copy of the example local .env file:
cp .env.local.example .env.local
Start MongoDB via Docker:
docker compose up
Run the development server:
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 to see the site.
The GitHub project is not directly connected to the Vercel project and instead artifacts are built using GitHub Actions and deployed onto Vercel infrastructure using their CLI tool. Production env vars are defined in the Vercel project settings and MongoDB Atlas is configured as a Vercel project integration.
Docker compose also provides Mongo Express, a web-based MongoDB admin interface. It can be found at http://localhost:8081/ and can be logged into with the following credentials:
Username: admin
Password: pass
VSCode can be configured to automatically fix and format files on save by adding the following settings to VSCode:
"eslint.run": "onType",
"eslint.validate": [
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll.eslint": true,
Note: In this project Prettier is run through ESLint, so you don't need to have the Prettier VSCode extension installed.