
Public website for a loose grouping that gives input/feedback to the w3c WebRTC working group.

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WebRTC Network of Users.

A loose grouping of WebRTC developers who give input/feedback to the w3c WebRTC working group.


Help improve the webRTC APIs -> fill out the survey

Contribute to our github

Why ?

Current waterfall model for standards development

graph TD;
    WG[W3C WebRTC Working Group]-->BV[Browser Vendors];
    BV-->API[WebRTC API];
    API-->Devs[WebRTC APP developers];


Add webrtc.nu to provide input/feedback

graph TD;
    WG[W3C WebRTC Working Group]-->BV[Browser Vendors];
    BV-->API[WebRTC API];
    API-->Devs[WebRTC APP developers];
    Devs==>NU[WebRTC Network of Users];


This is based on a discussion had at TPAC 2022 see meeting notes

The core thesis is that the W3C process isn't matching developer expectations so they dont't contribute feedback or ideas.

The idea is for https://webrtc.nu to be an impedence matching interface between developers consuming the webRTC APIs and the W3C working group that specifies them.

How will this work?

TBD, but we definitely want to see an active open community form around this project - we aspire to the welcoming nature of https://pion.ly open-source community. We think that contributions/meetings should be held under Chatham House rules (or something similar)

Some ideas

  • do a series of surveys via the existing local WebRTC developer groups that exist world wide to help the W3C WG get a better handle on developer feeling. First pass is in actions above.
  • facilitate a virtual quaterly meetup where people discuss webRTC API issues in a Bof style, with summaries fed back to the W3C WG
  • organize a physical meetup on the side of an existing webRTC related conference or event, with hot button topics fed back to the W3C WG
  • support PoC or prototyping new APIs ontop of existing WebRTC stacks

What can you do to help?

  • tell me how to get markdown to render the pretty diagrams on github pages!
  • file PRs to improve this site
  • become an admin for this github organization
  • comment on the ideas above
  • add new ideas
  • contact me for an off the record informal chat


Code of conduct : https://webrtc.nu/CoC.md

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