MMIP: Microbiome Metabolome Integration Platform
Please note: The server is currently undergoing maintenance and is expected to be back online by January 15, 2025. If you have any questions, please email us at Thank you for your patience
Web service for MMIP is present at:
MMIP Manual: Details on how to get started can be found in manual:
Anupam Gautam+, Debaleena Bhowmik+, Sayantani Basu, Wenhuan Zeng, Abhishake Lahiri, Daniel H Huson, Sandip Paul*, Microbiome Metabolome Integration Platform (MMIP): a web-based platform for microbiome and metabolome data integration and feature identification, Briefings in Bioinformatics, Volume 24, Issue 6, November 2023, bbad325,
You can access preprint here: Anupam Gautam+, Debaleena Bhowmik+, Sayantani Basu, Wenhuan Zeng, Abhishake Lahiri, Daniel H. Huson, Sandip Paul*. Microbiome Metabolome Integration Platform (MMIP): a web-based platform for microbiome and metabolome data integration and feature identification. bioRxiv, 2023; doi: