
Microbiome Metabolome Integration Platform

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


MMIP: Microbiome Metabolome Integration Platform

Please note: The server is currently undergoing maintenance and is expected to be back online by January 15, 2025. If you have any questions, please email us at support_m2m@jisiasr.org. Thank you for your patience

Web service:

Web service for MMIP is present at: http://bioinfo.jisiasr.org/mmip/


MMIP Manual: Details on how to get started can be found in manual: http://bioinfo.jisiasr.org/mmip/manual.php

The MMIP workflow:

This server is designed for prediction of the metabolites that could be produced by the microbial community during different health condition by using their metagenomics data (16S-rRNA). Furthermore, it also helps you to compare your real-time metabolomic (targeted or untargeted) data with predicted metabolite and helps to see what could be the most probable source of the metabolites.


Support for MMIP:

If you have any queries, questions regarding usage, or if you would like us to include new features in MMIP, please feel free to email us at support_m2m@jisiasr.org.


  • Anupam Gautam+, Debaleena Bhowmik+, Sayantani Basu, Wenhuan Zeng, Abhishake Lahiri, Daniel H Huson, Sandip Paul*, Microbiome Metabolome Integration Platform (MMIP): a web-based platform for microbiome and metabolome data integration and feature identification, Briefings in Bioinformatics, Volume 24, Issue 6, November 2023, bbad325, https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbad325

  • You can access preprint here: Anupam Gautam+, Debaleena Bhowmik+, Sayantani Basu, Wenhuan Zeng, Abhishake Lahiri, Daniel H. Huson, Sandip Paul*. Microbiome Metabolome Integration Platform (MMIP): a web-based platform for microbiome and metabolome data integration and feature identification. bioRxiv, 2023; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.04.535534