
Everything you need to easily integrate your Django app with Slack

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Django Slack Integration

This application helps you to integrate your existing Django application with Slack.

It provides you with

  • Models - needed to keep information from Slack API
  • Decorators - help you to write implementation of your Slack endpoints
  • Authorisation backend - allows you to pair your existing user model with your Slack users
  • Views - OAuth callbacks for "Add To Slack" and "Login With Slack" actions


  1. Add 'slack_app' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:

  2. Include the urls in your project urls.py like this:

    path('slack/', include('slack_app.urls')),
  3. Run python manage.py migrate to create the slack_app models.

  4. Add slack_app.auth_backends.SlackAuthenticationBackend to your AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS

  5. Update your settings.py

  6. Add following URLs to your Slack app's Redirect URLs (OAuth & Permissions)

  7. (Optional) Put <your_host>/slack/interactivity/ as your Request URL in Interactive Components section

  8. (Optional) Configure your Slash commands's Request URL as <your_host>/slack/commands/<command_name>/


Slack commands

If you want to create a new Slack command with name /example, configure your Request URL as <your_host>/slack/commands/example/ and put the following code into slack.py inside your app's directory.

@slack_command('example', require_linked_account=True)
def scrumie_staging_command(request, slack_user_mapping, slack_workspace):
    print(slack_user_mapping, slack_workspace)
    return JsonResponse({
        "blocks": [
                "type": "section",
                "text": {
                    "type": "mrkdwn",
                    "text": "Hello _world_"
        "text": "Hello World"

Slack Interactivity

Put the following to your slack.py inside your app's directory.

def process_block_actions(payload):
    print('>>>>', payload)
    return HttpResponse()