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by SecApps

Docker-based execution environment for for local testing in continuous deliver/integration environments and more.

How To Install

Simply do:

docker pull websecurify/secapps-driver

How To Use

There are various ways you can use the driver. Use the -h flag for options:

docker run --name secapps-driver --rm websecurify/secapps-driver -h


All tools generate reports in /output folder. To get the reports out of docker you need to mount a volume like this example:

docker run --name secapps-driver --rm -v /your/folder/:/output websecurify/secapps-driver foundation http://target-to-test/

Once the tool complates execution you will find the reports inside /your/folder folder.


In order to use the more specialized tools you need to get your access token from Simply go to your Launchpad and follow the instructions.


Start foundation scanner:

docker run --name secapps-driver --rm websecurify/secapps-driver foundation http://target-to-test/

Start the general purpose scanner:

docker run --name secapps-driver --rm websecurify/secapps-driver scanner http://target-to-test/ --access-token=your-access-token

Start recon:

docker run --name secapps-driver --rm websecurify/secapps-driver recon http://target-to-test/ --access-token=your-access-token

Start wpscanner:

docker run --name secapps-driver --rm websecurify/secapps-driver wpscanner http://target-to-test/ --access-token=your-access-token


You can do a lot of cool things with this project. Simply fork and make your own driver.