
A website for interacting and fucking with kahoot games.

Primary LanguageVue

Kahoot Tools Vue

Scaring teachers since Sep 27, 2017!

A suite of tools for fucking with Kahoot games. Easily installable and customizable.

Quick Start

To quickly start using kahoot-tools after installation, please refer to the quick start guide (WIP)


OS X, Linux and Windows:

git clone https://github.com/idiidk/kahoot-tools.git
cd kahoot-tools
npm install # or use yarn
# Edit config.json
npm run build
npm run host

To run kahoot-tools-vue in dev mode, follow the steps above but replace npm run build with: npm run serve.

In dev mode, you need to run the cors proxy in a seperate terminal. Use the command: npm run proxy


idiidk – @idiidka

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.
