My personal portfolio & blog. Built with Gatsby.js.
Available in German & English at
- i18n (German & English)
- Integration of nearly all Prismic features (slices, content relationships, single/repeatable type, labels)
- Gatsby-Image (Responsive images) & PrismJS highlighting (using slices and labels)
- Tags & Categories
- Suggestions for further reading below project/blogpost
- SEO (sitemap, data, OpenGraph & Twitter tags)
- Husky + Lint-Staged
- Hosted on Netlify
- as Headless CMS
- styled-components for styling
- ESLint & Prettier for linting
- for E2E-testing
- CircleCI
Only for educational purposes! You are not allowed to use this site publicly and/or commercially.
You are not permitted to use, modify, or share the software for any purpose other than for private educational purposes.