
Intenational telephone Input directive for Angular using jquery powered intl-input plugin


Angular Intenational telephone Input using jquery powered intl-input plugins

What it does


ngIntlTelInputProvider is available to set configs in the module config phase.


Operates as a normal validator for a form input based on the selected country.


Assigns the final formatted telephone number to the ng-model binding.



Clone Git

git clone https://github.com/Prabakaran-t/ng-decipher-intl-input.git

Provider setup and config

Inject ngIntlTelInput into your application module

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ngIntlTelInput']);

Directive usage

ng-intl-tel-input attribute

This attribute applies intl-tel-input to a text or tel field.

<input type="text" ng-model="model.tel" ng-intl-tel-input>


  • type is set to text or tel
  • ng-model is specified (required)
Method Value Description
ng-intl-tel-input - This will initialize the intl-input plugins into the text box.
data-allowDropdown true false (by default true)
data-autoHideDialCode true false (by default true)
data-customPlaceholder string(Ex: Enter mobile no) Your custom string for textbox placeholder
data-initialCountry string(Ex: in) country iso code to set the country as initial country
data-nationalMode true false (by default true)
data-separateDialCode true false (by default true)
data-geoip true false (by default true)
data-onlyCountries string(Ex: us,gb) display only these countries, input must be Comma separated countries iso
