
Easy Discord Rich Rpesence for everyone!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

License Odar


What is this?

EasyDiscordPresence it's tool that allows you to have custom discord game status!

How to use it

  1. Download it from here
  2. Extract it into a new folder
  3. Create new app from the Discord developer page or click here

gif1 4. Get your app id and save it into settings.json

gif2 5. Upload 2 Images to your app from the borwser and name that however you want! (I am using image1 and image2 for example)

gif3 6. Set your settings:

  • Small Image and Large Image
  • Text to be displayed
  • Text when hovered images

7. Run install.bat to install the needed modules 8. Save the settings.json files and run start.bat




true - Displays the time elapsed

false - Doesn't display the time elasped


Details is what do you want be shown for the 2nd text (For me it's "My new app")



State is what do you want to display below the details (For me it's "I love it!")



LargeImage it's the bigger image and also called image1 beacuse that is how i called it while uploading

SmallImage it's the smal image and also called image2 beacuse that is how i called it while uploading


LargeText it's the text that pop ups when you hover the big image (For me it's "Hell yeah")

SmallText it's the text that pop ups when you hover the small image (For me it's ":D")