
HTML, CSS and JavaScript exercises

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A web developer needs to deeply understand many concepts from various subdomains of the IT industry, such as: computer operation, web/Linux/Windows server administration, networking and, last but not least, programming languages useful for application development (HTML, CSS, Javascript, Java, PHP, Nodejs, Python and so on).

Here we have an example regarding what we should follow as frontend developer and backend developer when we build web applications.


This repo contains all the HTML, CSS and JS exercises we will go through:

Helpful icons

  • 🦉 - "Owl Atena" brings us the information we need to solve the exercises
  • 🚀 - "Rocket Musk" shows us it's time to play
  • 📹 - "Video camera" brings us some easy to assimilate info
  • 🎢 - "Carousel Kody" points the area where the exercises are
  • 💪 - "Mr. Muscle" mark the exercises we should solve
  • 🎁 - "Bonus Gift" helps us to go beyond our limits with advanced exercises
  • 💗 - "Credits heart" representing appreciation, recognition, gratitude and acknowledgment


To solve the exercises, we need:



Un dezvoltator web are nevoie sa inteleaga in profunzime multe concepte din diverse subdomenii ale industriei IT, precum operare pe calculator, administrare servere web/Linux/Windows, retelistica si, nu in ultimul rand, limbaje de programare necesare pentru dezvoltarea aplicatiilor (HTML, CSS, Javascript, Java, PHP, Nodejs, Python etc.).

Iata aici un exemplu de ce trebuie urmarit ca frontend developer si backend developer in dezvoltarea unei aplicatii web.


Acest repository contine exercitiile pe care le vom parcurge in cadrul laboratorului de Tehnici Web.

Exercitiile sunt impartite dupa cum urmeaza:

Iconite ajutatoare

  • 🦉 - "Bufnita Atena" ne aduce informatiile necesare pentru rezolvarea exercitiilor
  • 🚀 - "Racheta Musk" ne arata ca e timpul sa ne jucam
  • 📹 - "Video camera" ne aduce informatii mai usor de asimilat
  • 🎢 - "Caruselul Kody" ne indica zona unde se afla exercitiile
  • 💪 - "Domnul Muschi" marcheaza exercitiile pe care trebuie sa le rezolvam
  • 🎁 - "Cadoul Bonus" ne ajuta sa ne depasim limitele cu exercitii avansate
  • 💗 - "Inimioara Grazie" simbolizeaza aprecierea, recunostinta si recunoasterea meritelor


Pentru efectuarea exercitiilor de laborator este nevoie de: