๐ Simple, robust, BitTorrent tracker (client & server) implementation
Pinned issues
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Dependency Dashboard
#367 opened by renovate - 6
- 1
No "exports" main defined in C:\cygwin64\home\pguar\node\tv\node_modules\bittorrent-tracker\package.json
#537 opened by pguardiario - 1
Filter Feature Not Working
#527 opened by quocduongpy - 0
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How to Handle AbortError
#524 opened by proxyof - 1
cpu usage too high
#518 opened by shadowcovering - 13
Bittorrent v2 support
#480 opened by XfedeX - 4
ipv6 udp tracker outgoing error peers
#508 opened by lirener - 1
Tracker does not launch
#515 opened by yifu - 1
An error appears on startup: No "exports" main defined
#514 opened by denbka - 5
When the port number is lower than -1 or exceeds 65536, it will cause the program to crash
#512 opened by aagaguai - 1
SSRF Error and UDP not
#504 opened by JBStepan - 5
`peer_id` from announce query string interpreted as latin1 then converted to UTF-8 before being returned as a transformed and wrong value in the peer list.
#460 opened by pdelagrave - 1
socksProxy Socks.Agent is not a constructor
#495 opened by bl00m - 4
Can you guys provide a binary excuteable by using javascript pkg framework to the release page?
#469 opened by yingshaoxo - 5
Add support for WebTransport
#360 opened by DiegoRBaquero - 1
Upload / download count for each peerID
#489 opened by trackerZER - 3
BEP for WebTorrent
#463 opened by frink - 1
d14:failure reason17:invalid info_hashe
#476 opened by alessiodam - 1
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#454 opened by rageshkrishna - 1
HTTP tracker server still runs when the option of Server constructor "http" is set to be false
#453 opened by bigradish - 1
Typescript Support
#451 opened by ferrohd - 0
EPERM Issue on install
#456 opened by DrakoHyena - 2
#429 opened by chinaniupai - 3
/stats additionals
#426 opened by ibksturm - 1
Tracker fails to work when pushed to a VPS
#424 opened by zackees - 1
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Make HTTPTracker available in browser?
#406 opened by buptsb - 0
Fix documentation for server implementation
#403 opened by Bruce-Hopkins - 0
Action Required: Fix Renovate Configuration
#379 opened by renovate - 1
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Get this error sometimes when a peer doesn't respond
#355 opened by Gronis - 5
Static tracker
#389 opened by benjistokman - 5
New design for the Websocket Tracker
#354 opened by alxhotel - 1
Question about warning: "no peer with that `to_peer_id`"
#384 opened by geco - 2
Browserify example not producing expected results
#359 opened by KeeJef - 1
Tracker synthetic stopped to not get peers
#383 opened by DiegoRBaquero - 4
"Trusted" peers
#358 opened by Rubydesic - 3
tracker IPV6 UDP Don't work
#335 opened by lirener - 3
URL parsing bug in client.js
#352 opened by zanhesl - 5
few files
#353 opened by jadsongmatos - 2
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Error: Unsupported tracker protocol: ws://tracker.hotreload.tech from WebTorrent
#339 opened by PaTiToMaSteR