:calendar: get a list of free upcoming developer events in any city from facebook, meetup.com, eventbrite and ics url
- 0
Meetup.com sometimes will not pick up a group
#24 opened by sayanee - 1
Timestamp format is inconsistent.
#23 opened by notthetup - 2
Facebook events location field
#22 opened by notthetup - 0
Remove meetup.com event venue with "TBC"
#21 opened by sayanee - 0
- 0
remove latitude and longitude if they are zero
#18 opened by sayanee - 0
eventbrite events are not being picked up
#7 opened by sayanee - 0
include description_html as an api node
#17 opened by sayanee - 0
remove city specific logs
#16 opened by sayanee - 1
meetup.com uxtldr event not being picked up?
#14 opened by sayanee - 0
new api endpoints
#15 opened by sayanee - 4
add rsvp count / no. attending
#13 opened by sayanee - 1
facebook group url is wrong
#9 opened by sayanee - 0
abstract out ignore duplicate words in config
#4 opened by sayanee - 0
add .npmignore file
#6 opened by sayanee - 0
provide an example folder
#5 opened by sayanee - 0
integrate tools and badges
#3 opened by sayanee - 0
remove city specific event list files
#1 opened by sayanee - 0
pass in a logging option
#2 opened by sayanee