
A DSL and framework for hypermedia driven web backends, and REST APIs

Primary LanguageRust

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This is the official repository for the WebX web server project. A framework for building minimal but powerful web app backends, REST APIs, and hypermedia systems using a HTML first approach.
โ–ธ Get started or read more about the project below.

โš ๏ธ WebX is still in early development and not ready for production use.

Features & Roadmap

Below is a high-level overview of the existing (implemented) and planned features of the WebX technology (in no particular order).

  • Blazingly fast1 ๐Ÿ”ฅ
  • Lightweight and minimalistic ๐Ÿชถ
  • Versatile, flexible, and powerful ๐Ÿคธ
  • Easy to use and learn ๐Ÿง 
Batteries included ๐Ÿ”‹
  • Hot reloading ๐Ÿ”ฅ
  • Protected and secure by default ๐Ÿ”’
    • DDOS ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ
    • CORS ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ
    • CSRF ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ
    • XSS ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ
    • SQL injection ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ
    • Rate limiting โฑ๏ธ
    • TLS/SSL/HTTPS ๐Ÿ”’
  • Built-in modules and services ๐Ÿ“ฆ
    • Static file serving ๐Ÿ“
    • Database driver integration ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ
      • PostgreSQL
      • MySQL
      • SQLite
      • MariaDB
      • MongoDB
      • Redis
    • Authentication ๐Ÿ”‘
    • Authorization ๐Ÿ”‘
    • Caching ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ
    • Sessions ๐Ÿช
    • WebSockets ๐ŸŒ
  • VSC extension (Syntax Highlighting, Snippets, and more)
  • WebX Playground ๐Ÿ›
  • WebX Docs ๐Ÿ“–
  • Package manager ๐Ÿ“ฆ (NPM-like, for WebX handlers, modules, and drivers)
WebX DSL (Domain Specific Language)
  • Parser
    • AST for WebX modules
  • Comments
  • Model definitions (ORM, Prism-like)
    • Fields
    • Types
    • Value Constraints
    • Serde Validation
    • Relations
    • Migrations
    • Queries (CRUD operations)
  • Native SSR (templating)
    • JSX support
    • HyperScript support
  • TypeScript support
    • Deno runtime
    • WebAssembly AoT compilation
    • Unified type definitions (shared between client and server)
  • Validation (Serialize/Deserialize for req/res data)
    • Input sanitization (safe defaults)
    • Output sanitization (safe defaults)
    • Type checking
    • Constraints
    • Relations
    • Formats
      • JSON
      • JSON5
      • XML
      • HTML
      • CSV
      • YAML
      • TOML
      • Custom (plugins)
  • Route definitions
    • HTTP methods
    • Path parameters (URL/segments/)
    • Query parameters (?key=value)
    • Request headers
    • Request Body parameters (POST/PUT/PATCH)
    • Body serialization (JSON, XML, etc.)
    • Body deserialization and validation
    • Dependency injection (between handlers)
    • Middleware (before/after handlers)
    • Endpoint body code block types
      • TypeScript (TS)
      • Typescript-React (TSX)
get /todos/(id: number) -> initServices:s, auth(s.userService, id):user, isAdmin(user) { ... }
  • Handlers (middleware)
    • Design choices
      • Async vs sync
      • Return types (explicit)
      • Error handling (opinionated!)
      • Dependency injection
      • Return result destructuring
  • Built-in handlers ๐Ÿ“ฆ (stdlib)
    • Data manipulation
    • Business logic
    • Authentication
      • OAuth
      • OpenID
      • JWT
      • SAML
      • LDAP
      • Kerberos
      • Basic
      • Digest
      • Bearer
      • API keys
      • HMAC
      • Mutual TLS
    • Authorization
      • RBAC
      • ABAC
      • PBAC
      • LBAC
      • DAC
    • Logging
      • Request logging
      • Error logging
      • Audit logging
      • Security logging
      • Performance logging
      • Debug logging
      • Custom logging (plugins)
    • Caching
      • In-memory
      • Redis
      • Memcached
    • Sessions
    • Database drivers
    • Static file serving
    • Templating ๐Ÿ“„
  • Error handling ๐Ÿšจ
    • Server errors
    • Client errors
    • Network errors
    • Database errors
    • External service errors
    • Logging
WebX CLI tool
  • Project
    • Scaffolding (init new project)
    • Configuration
  • Build (AoT compilation)
    • Static files
    • TypeScript to WebAssembly
  • Run (JIT compilation)
    • Development mode
      • Hot reloading
      • Logging
      • Error handling
      • Debugging
    • Production mode
      • Optimizations
      • Caching
      • Compression
      • Security
      • Logging
      • Error handling
  • Test ๐Ÿงช
    • Unit tests
    • Integration tests
    • End-to-end tests
  • Deploy โ˜๏ธ
    • Docker
    • Kubernetes
    • Cloud
  • Documentation (auto-generated)
  • Publish (to package registry)
  • Versioning
  • Linting
  • Formatting
WebX Runtime
  • Web server
    • TCP/IP
    • HTTP Request parsing
    • HTTP Response serialization
    • HTTP Request routing
    • HTTP Request handling
    • Protocols
      • HTTP/0.9
      • HTTP/1.0
      • HTTP/1.1
      • HTTP/2
      • HTTP/3
      • HTTP/3 server push
    • Multiplexing
    • Compression
    • Status codes
    • Cookies
    • Caching
    • Sessions
    • Multi-threading
    • Middleware
    • Logging
    • Error handling
  • Web framework
    • REST API
    • GraphQL API
    • Hypermedia API
    • WebSockets API

Getting started


Download the latest prebuilt binaries from the releases page and extract it to a folder of your choice.


To start the web server in dev mode for a project, use:

webx run

This enables hot reloading ๐Ÿ”ฅ, extensive logging, safe real-time error reporting, and other useful features.

To run the project in production mode, use:

webx run --prod

This enables optimizations ๐Ÿš€ (for speed and memory performance improvements), caching, compression, and other valuable features. It also disables hot reloading and logging to not leak any sensitive information.


The following is an example of a simple WebX to-do list application.

include "../common.webx"

global {
  const db = new Database("sqlite://db.sqlite");

model User {
  id: number;
  name: string[maxLength(50))]
  email: string?;
  isAdmin: boolean;

model Todo {
  id: number;
  task: string;
  userId: number;

handler initServices() {
  return {
    userService: new UserService(db),
    todoService: new TodoService(db)

handler auth(userService: UserService, id: number) {
  const user = userService.getCurrentUser(id);
  if (!user) error("User not found.");
  return { user };

handler isAdmin(user: User) {
  if (!user.isAdmin()) error("User is not an admin.");

handler renderTodos(todos: Todo[], user: User): HTML {
  return (<div>
      <h1>Welcome, {user.name}!</h1>
        {todos.map(todo => <li>{todo.task}</li>)}

get /todos/(id: number) -> initServices:s, auth(s.userService, id):a, isAdmin(a.user) {
    const todos = s.todoService.getAllTodosForUser(a.user.id);
} -> renderTodos(todos, a.user)

Why WebX?

Our vision is to reduce the boilerplate and complexity of building backends and APIs.
โ–ธ WebX is designed to be simple, minimal, easy to learn, and intuitive while still being versatile and flexible. It can build complex applications quickly while still being lightweight๐Ÿชถ and blazingly fast๐Ÿ”ฅ.

Backends shouldn't be bloated and complex, but focus on what's most important. Don't reinvent the wheel for every new project,
โ–ธ Jump straight to the goodi-goodi parts and get started using WebX today!

โค๏ธ Perfect match for </> htmx

WebX is designed to be a minimalistic web framework that is easy to learn and use. It is intended to be used with HTMX, a great alternative to frameworks like React, Vue, and Angular (or other stacks). HTMX allows you to build dynamic web applications without learning a new language or framework for the front end. WebX is designed to be versatile and flexible, and it is easy to quickly build backends for complex applications.
โ–ธ Read more about HTMX

What about ///_hyperscript?

HyperScript is a front-end JavaScript DSL for creating and manipulating HTML DOM elements. It is lightweight, tightly coupled with your HTML code, and is easy to learn.
While JSX is the default JS+HTML DSL in Webx, HyperScript is supported natively by WebX and can also be configured to be used in the project settings.
โ–ธ Read more about HyperScript


Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions or find any bugs, please create an issue or a pull request.

Do you have any suggestions for additional features? Create an issue or a pull request! Read more about contributing below.


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1M9hPXg-bFM โ†ฉ