Getting and Cleaning Data: Week4Project

Johnny Sandaire John Hopkins University Data Cleaning / Week 4 Project Repository

The runAnalysis.R script will perform five pricipal steps on the UCI HAR Dataset downloaded from

The CodeBook.txt describes the variables and their original authors.

Description of runAnalysis.r components:

  1. Merge training and test sets.
  2. Extract measurements on mean and standard deviation on each observation
  3. Use descriptive names on data set activities
  4. Label data sets with descriptive activity names.
  5. Create a second, independent tidy data set with averages, activity and subject.

To generate the final tidy data, simply fork the project, update the working directory to match your own local directory, select the whole runAnalysis.R content and run the selection. A tidyDataSet.txt will be generated at the root of your local directory.