
vim plugin - Dashboard of capital mark

Primary LanguageVim Script


Dashboard of capital mark


CapMark is a vim plugin for browsing capital marks and let you handle capital mark more friendly. You can add bookmark for each capital mark and quickveiw capital marks without jumping to it. CapMark let you easily gain the overview of capital marks and jump to desired mark precisely.


Use pathogen to install capmark:

  cd ~/.vim/bundle
  git clone https://github.com/wecanspeak/vim-capmark.git

And don't forget go to doc directory, open capmark.txt with vim, then :Helptags to generate help doc.


It is probably convenient to map hotkey to toggle CapMark window. Add this into .vimrc:

  nnoremap <F7> :CapmarkToggle<CR>

Then you can press <F7> to hide or show CapMark window.


MIT Licensed. Copyright (c) Enzo Wang.