Pinned Repositories
Comparing the amount of rotations, comparisons and height when implementing a Red Black Tree against an Adelson-Velsky Landis Tree
Comparing the performance of the BlazePose and the MoveNet-Thunder frameworks in the tackling of the Pose Estimation problem
Given a large corpus of labelled text, this experiments builds a deep recurrent neural network to classify whether the phrase is either 'male' or 'female'
Combining Computer Vision and Machine Learning to detect constellations from preset astronomical images
Experiment 1: Comparison of key bandit algorithms; Experiment 2: Comparison of Q and SARSA Learning on Taxiv3 environment' ; Experiment 3: Comparison of Q, SARSA and CEM Learning on LunarLanderv2 Environment
Using Android Phone inertia sensors such as gyroscopes and accelerometers to determine and identify human activity. Classified using SVMs, KNN, Decision Trees and Logistic Regression for Supervised Learning
Given a very large dataset of speech from the British Isles, all were manually inputted into the .csv file attached by generating an average value for each of the 3 formants present in the audio. The scope of the project was to be able to classify the phonemes from one another. Therefore, a KNN was built in order to do just that. Resulting in an average accuracy of 89%
A compiler consisting of lexical analysis, syntactic analysis, semantic analysis and interpreting alongside an XML generation for a 'mock' language called TeaLang written in C++14.
Using YOLOv3, YOLOv4, Faster R-CNN and HoG to detect and classify different types of vehicles from one another
wecet's Repositories
Using Android Phone inertia sensors such as gyroscopes and accelerometers to determine and identify human activity. Classified using SVMs, KNN, Decision Trees and Logistic Regression for Supervised Learning
Comparing the performance of the BlazePose and the MoveNet-Thunder frameworks in the tackling of the Pose Estimation problem
Experiment 1: Comparison of key bandit algorithms; Experiment 2: Comparison of Q and SARSA Learning on Taxiv3 environment' ; Experiment 3: Comparison of Q, SARSA and CEM Learning on LunarLanderv2 Environment
Given a very large dataset of speech from the British Isles, all were manually inputted into the .csv file attached by generating an average value for each of the 3 formants present in the audio. The scope of the project was to be able to classify the phonemes from one another. Therefore, a KNN was built in order to do just that. Resulting in an average accuracy of 89%
A compiler consisting of lexical analysis, syntactic analysis, semantic analysis and interpreting alongside an XML generation for a 'mock' language called TeaLang written in C++14.
Using YOLOv3, YOLOv4, Faster R-CNN and HoG to detect and classify different types of vehicles from one another
Comparing the amount of rotations, comparisons and height when implementing a Red Black Tree against an Adelson-Velsky Landis Tree
A CLI Banking System with integrated Card and Account handling with Administrator operations regrading the different types of accounts and transactions
Given a large corpus of labelled text, this experiments builds a deep recurrent neural network to classify whether the phrase is either 'male' or 'female'
Combining Computer Vision and Machine Learning to detect constellations from preset astronomical images
Group assignment for Web Application Architecture.... credits with Logan Formosa and Sean Farrugia. Written in HTML, CSS and php with Twig, with integrated SQL backend
The project generates a sentence given a pre-defined starting phrase from the user such as "Ilbierah kont" and the script attempts to build a sentence off of that phrase. Structurally, the generator works in an n-gram fashion but the main structures used to generate the sentences were the unigram, bigram and trigram. The perplexity for each n-gram model was also calculated
This repository consists of 2 folders. The first folder consists of a quadtree implementation in Cpp with Boolean and 'Black and White' representation. The second folder consists of an implementation of the bitwise operators on a binary string stored as an object of a big integer.
Visualizing the Chaotic Movement of a Double Pendulum using the Python package Pygame
Written in C as a 'Mini Linux Bash script' which handles both internal and external commands and command redirection. Preset environmental variables with the help of the linenoise package help in the functions of command and error handling
An object oriented management system for airplane maintenance with serializable classes written in Java for Advanced Matriculation Certificate
Task 1
A Two Part Project where in the first part a robot is localized using a particle filter whereas in the second part the robot is run through a PID Controller, A* Path Finding Algorithm and a Line Smoothener
Given a .WAV file, this experiment extracts the melspectogram of the audio in order to classify the speaker within the sound. For classification, this experiment compares the performance of the ShallowNet and VGG16 frameworks
Applying the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithms to solve the Travelling Salesperson Problem