- 0
- 1
#165 opened by chenzhiqiang0518 - 15
#167 opened by wordgao - 2
[BUG]wechaty/wechaty:1.20 现在扫码无法登录,无限循环提示扫码登录连接
#169 opened by wordgao - 3
[BUG] PuppetService unMarshal err: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field BaseEventPayload.Data of type string
#168 opened by SolLupus - 1
#166 opened by suxiaobei1024 - 2
#164 opened by Guwengo - 4
[BUG]用 examples 里面的机器人,grpc startGrpcStream 出错
#163 opened by fxmumu - 4
- 0
[Feature] 监听与输入企业微信登录验证码
#160 opened by qcgzxw - 2
- 1
[error]Unimplemented desc
#156 opened by jacsice - 1
[BUG] puppet start err: PuppetService Start() rejection: startGrpcStream err:rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection closed before server preface received module=wechaty
#158 opened by xpsuper - 2
#159 opened by chenkaidog - 1
#154 opened by Yeeyao - 5
Go 版本的不支持 node 版本不需要 token 的启动?
#147 opened by af913337456 - 3
[BUG] 邀请机器人进入40人以下的群聊触发OnRoomJoin获取不到机器人自己信息
#150 opened by deanxv - 6
[BUG] Message.Date()返回的是毫秒数,不是时间戳。
#151 opened by jmjoy - 5
#149 opened by deanxv - 1
[BUG] start service error
#145 opened by Garfield-yin - 1
- 2
[BUG] start wechaty with WorkPro-token failed
#148 opened by KyoUK4n - 6
升级 v0.4.x 注意事项
#119 opened by dchaofei - 2
- 6
[QUESTION] 连接不上本地镜像
#140 opened by hailiangchen - 9
求教:如何获取群聊中 @昵称 内容 这种形式下 @后面的这个人的wxID如何获取 ?
#138 opened by xueyangkk - 0
[BUG] OnReady 没有被触发
#131 opened by dchaofei - 12
#109 opened by Ran-Xing - 9
#133 opened by upbot-doc - 6
#134 opened by xiangyaoan - 12
web 协议 总是 提示断线
#107 opened by Ran-Xing - 14
#128 opened by aiscrm - 18
#125 opened by xiangyaoan - 1
- 8
message.MentionText Error
#114 opened by Ran-Xing - 11
- 9
[BUG]room.MemberAll 返回的列表有问题
#111 opened by chasonnchen - 1
GetWechaty().Friendship().Add(member, "") Error
#115 opened by Ran-Xing - 1
#99 opened by li-xunhuan - 1
[BUG] Pat Msg Be regarded as MessageTypeRecalled
#88 opened by Turbolisten - 7
[BUG] 在使用wechaty-puppet-wechat 同步通讯录时报错
#102 opened by keac - 3
#105 opened by iyzrj - 4
[BUG] message.mentionSelf() && puppet-xp
#108 opened by Ran-Xing - 8
[为啥 程序不能从环境变量读取?]
#110 opened by Ran-Xing - 2
[BUG] 客户端运行时报错
#103 opened by DemonKHH - 2
[BUG] PuppetService Start() rejection 【已解决】
#101 opened by wordgao - 3
[Feature] 优化文件接收与发送
#95 opened by dchaofei - 1
- 1
使用message.Forward(room.ID())和message.ToFileBox()时,消息类型如果是image和video都报错:“json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field FileBoxOptions.headers of type []string”。
#93 opened by shenly2002 - 3
[BUG]使用go ding-dong-bot无法连接上padlocal本地服务
#92 opened by chasonnchen