ABAP framework that abstract the Google Sheets API
For more information on this please refer to the SCN BLOG
We are targeting to support ABAP2GSheet on SAP S/4HANA 1809 and above (obviously only on-premise).
Since we count on the SAP standard authentication method to Google API (SAP oauth2 client), we have at least the same prerequisites that are:
- SAP oauth2 client is only available for SAP NetWeaver starting from AS ABAP 7.40 SP08 (Note 2043775 must be applied).
- As a prerequisite the system administrator needs authorizations to create OAuth 2.0 Client Configurations. Make sure that the system administrator has the authorization S_OA2C_ADM with at least the activities 01, 02 and 03 in the AS ABAP system.
- Make sure that the end users who should be allowed to use the new OAuth 2.0 Client have the required authorizations assigned. During execution of OAuth 2.0 flows there is a check of the authorization object “S_OA2C_USE”. This authorization object has two fields “PROFILE” and “ACTVT”.
- Set the authorization field values as follows: S_OA2C_USE PROFILE = Z_GOOGLE_SHEETS ACTVT = 16
Setup the Google API Endpoint (see chapter 2.2 in Export of ALV Grid Data to Google Sheets )