
Sermons Area for Wolverton Evangelical Church

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

WEC Members

DevOps By Rultor.com

Build Status

WEC Members is a Symfony web project to host sermons.



  • Ubuntu CentOS 7


For development

Quick Start

Start Database

Start your MySQL/MariaDB Database (however it's configured for you)

Configure settings

Copy .env to .env.local

.env.local is ignored in git so add your config here, not in .env

Seed database

Run Migration (this creates your DB Schema)

symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Run init to seed database

symfony console app:init

note: this is a custom implementation of Fixtures. We don't use fixtures as it's only designed for development, but we want to seed a production database.

Start a web server

symfony serve

CRON Scripts

You'll need to set up a CRON script to run every 1 hour

APP_ENV=prod symfony console app:renewoauth2

This will renew the OAuth2 tokens (not required, but nicer for UX for admin)