
Displays info about the current admin screen and its globals, contextual hooks, etc.

Primary LanguagePHP

Current Admin Info

Displays info about the current admin screen and its globals, contextual hooks, etc.

The info appears in new tabs in the »Contextual Help«-panel in the upper right corner of an admin screen.

Currently available info tabs:

  • Contextual hooks - all hooks that have »context«, the $hook_suffix in their name.
  • Set Globals: Arrays/Objects are hidden and shown on click (js).
  • Current screen info: Everything that the $current_screen object contains and isn't private.

The contextual hooks tab.

The available and set globals tab. Closed Arrays/Objects

The available and set globals tab. Showing an open Array/Object

The current screen tab.

based on an idea by @StephenHarris here.

Extending with a child plugin

We now have a dedicated Wiki Page to explain this task.