Author: Jan Wedekind Copyright: 2010 License: GPL
This Ruby extension provides graphical output under X.Org.
hornetseye-xorg requires the X.Org and Mesa development headers. If you are running Debian or (K)ubuntu, you can install them like this:
$ sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-dev libxv-dev libxpm-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libswscale-dev libboost-dev
To install this Ruby extension, use the following command:
$ sudo gem install hornetseye-xorg
Alternatively you can build and install the Ruby extension from source as follows:
$ rake
$ sudo rake install
Simply run Interactive Ruby:
$ irb
You can load and use the X.Org wrappers as shown below. This example shows how to display an image:
require 'rubygems'
require 'hornetseye_xorg'
include Hornetseye
img = lazy( 640, 480 ) { RGB 255, 0, 0 }
Here is another example. It demonstrates display of a video:
require 'rubygems'
require 'hornetseye_xorg'
include Hornetseye do
lazy( 320, 240 ) { RGB ( * 256 ) % 256, 0, 0 }