
This script is used to combine multiple WAV audio files into a single audio file with smooth transitions between each individual file.

Primary LanguagePython

Replace input_dir with the path to the directory containing the WAV files you want to combine, and output_dir with the path to the directory where you want to save the combined WAV file.

The duration argument is the duration of the overlapping gradient in milliseconds. We recommend setting this to 1 to create a short, subtle fade between the files.

The samples argument is the number of samples to use for the overlapping gradient. We recommend setting this to 2000 to create a smooth transition between the files.


Here's an example command to combine WAV files in a directory called input and save the output to a directory called output:

python audiocombineoverlap.py -i input -o output -d 1 -s 2000


The choice of the duration and samples arguments will affect the sound of the final combined audio, so it's recommended to experiment with different values to achieve the desired result.