
A jEdit repo for fixing a few plugins I use for work

Primary LanguageJava

How to build jEdit 5.3.0 on Windows 10 64-bit

  1. Install the git client for windows, for basic POSIX commands like unzip, tar, and patch
  2. Install Python for Windows to be able to run build.py.
  3. Install the Java JDK 64-bit from Oracle, Java SE Development Kit 8u162 worked for me.
  4. Download the jEdit source code to the local dir
  5. Download the Apache Ant to the local dir
  6. Inspect config.json to ensure paths and names are correct.

To build jEdit and the OpenIt plugin:

python build.py
# ...
Total time: 1 minute 35 seconds

To run the newly built jedit.jar:

python build.py --run