Uptae is a Slackbot that you and your team can use to let each other know what you're upto.
Stuck in meetings all day? Out of the Office? On holiday? Tell Uptae and it'll let everyone know.
Uptae is designed to be installed directly on to Heroku as a Heroku app. It requires a web server and a Postegres DB server.
Note: If you're running Uptae on the Heroku free tier then the web server will go to sleep after 30 minutes of inactivity. If you're using Uptae regularly throughout the day then you'll be fine, but if no one interacts with it for 30 minutes then the first command will likely see a Timeout error while it starts up.
You'll need need a Slack team and the ability to set up custom integrations.
As part of installation you'll set up:
- Slash Command to allow you to interact with Uptae
- Incoming Web Hook to let Uptae post daily summaries
While signed in to your Slack team make a Custom Integration, and select the 'Slash Commands' option.
- Give your command a name (like
) and select 'Add Slash Command Integration'. - In the URL field enter the enter the URL of your Heroku Application with the
endpoint (you might need to come back to this after deployment if using the Heroku Button with a randomly generated name). - A Token will have been generated. This will be the
value you need during deployment. - Set the 'Customize Name' value to 'Uptae'.
Again, while signed in to your Slack team again make a Custom Integration, but this time select 'Incoming Web Hooks'.
- Choose the channel you'd like Uptae to post it's daily summary to and select 'Add Incoming Web Hooks integration'.
- Make a note of the 'Webhook URL'. This will be the
you need during deployment. - Enter the username you entered previously into the 'Customize Name' field and select 'Save Settings'.
The Webhook URL from configuring the Incoming Web HookSLACK_TOKEN
Uptae will send a message to your configured channel
Note: If you already have an entry for a date, and you specify another entry for that date, the original will be overwritten. No history, or backup of the original entry is maintained.
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
When you create an entry for someone else they will be notified directly by Uptae.
If you've configured the Notifications from Uptae, then each day it will post a message to your chosen channel detailing all of the entries for today and for tomorrow.
Once Uptae is in one of your channels you can get a reminder of all of the supported operations using /uptae help