
Free Course Materials for LOL-Pwn


Course Materials for LOL-Pwn Training

💯 This course is only basic of Pwn / Binary Explotation. If you want to learn more. Read the books and blogposts in References.

💾 Course Materials

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00 Introduction
01 Linux File Permissions Read
02 Linux Environment Variables Read
03 Classic Command Injection Read
04 Linux Scheduled Tasks Read
05 Symbolic Links Read
06 Race Conditions Read
07 Shared Object Injection Read
08 File Descriptor Read
09 Capability Leaking Read
10 File Exhaustion Read
11 ELF Intro & Binary Patching Read

📖 References

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🎃 Facebook Page - Legion of LOL
🎃 Website - Legion of LOL
🎃 Youtube Channel - Thin Ba Shane