
Spellcheckers for command line

Primary LanguageC

Spellcheckers written in C

##Levenstein (edit distance)

Compare two words: dog and dgo

damerau_levenstein -w dog dgo

and the result should be like this:

dog          dgo  1

Compare word possible against words found from the file web2.

Command damerau_levenshtein -i -d 1 -f web2 possible will do it.

The results: passible possible 1

possible   possible  0

possibly   possible  1

##Ngram Create Ngram from certain word. When used with Jaccard index one can count similarity among the words. --This section needs more love--

##Use cases? Well, my first though was to make a shell spell checker / auto corrector / quick switch cwd tool that could deal with typos. With the current implementation you can give a shell history as a parameter and it can propose correction. Still many important things lacking for appropriate use.

##Other info There might be silly bugs laying around because its non maturity. Feel free to report them.

This program is BSD licensed.

Better documentation coming near future.

##TODO Apparently my Vim configuration in Linux had the wrong settings because the C code looks so ugly. Sorry for headache.

Separate .c to .c and .h probably.

Store words to tree for more efficient search and save it to disk.