
Nota (note in Latin) is a note-taking service, which is available on the web. Nota offers users to create notes, and share their notes with their friends.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Nota is a note-taking service, which is available on the web. Nota offers users to create notes, and share their notes with their friends.


a stack of express as web application framework for Node.js, sequalize as promise-based ORM for database.

run backend server for first time

you have to create a database called Nota, run the following command lines



now you need to install the dependencies

cd api

npm i

run backend server

node app

run tests

npm run test

backend production

create and edit .env file

nano .env

config .env file

Add the following configurations:

SERVER= your backend server url (e.g. example.com)

PORT= port (e.g. 3000)

HOST_URL= http://your_server_url:port (e.g. http://example:3000)


DB_HOST= your database url (e.g. example.com)

DB_PORT= your database port (default is 3306)

DB_USER= your database username (e.g. root)

DB_PASS= your databse password


JWT_SECRET= generate your own JWT secret code and save it here.

backend documentation

postman docs.


Mysql database named Nota it have 2 tables Users and Note where a user can create many notes but a note is created by 1 user, also the note can be shared with many users.



NOTE M -> 1 USER many to 1 relationship


  • user.id is a primary key
  • note.id is a primary key
  • note.author is a f.k. reference to user.username
  • user.username is unique
  • user.email is unique


the front-end is responsive so it works fine on small, medium and large devices.

used a stack of angular as web framework, bootstrap as styling framework

run the front-end

run the following commands:

cd frontend

npm i

ng serve

run tests

ng test

deploy the front-end

edit environment.prod.ts file as the following

apiHost: http://YOUR_BACKEND_URL:PORT/api/v1/

run the following command to build

ng build --prod