
a loopback connector for fibula.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The loopback connector for memory.


We were building fixture-based testing tool fibula.js which puts valid JSON files to your database or runtime. Initially, we are using MongoDB's original driver to put data into database, but that really increases the cost of test.

Until recently, the loopback is based on the jugglerDB which has a common interface for memory and any supported databases. So we decide to write an fibula.js adapter for memory, so that we could directly patch data in-memory. Thus we can speed up as possible.

Yea, we did it, but found the native memory connector's id is always a Number that causes the different id type between different datasource. That's why we wrote a new memory which accepts a String value as its id type.


Update your datasources.*.json.


$ npm install loopback-connector-memory2 --save
