Stalker is a web application split into two projects:
- stalker: half Ruby on Rails application and half API, it consumes JSON POST requests and displays a list of contacts and data that is tracked from an
- example-site: Ruby on Rails project that has an embedded Javascript library, tracker.js, and three pages (Home, Contato, Sobre).
- the user goes to example-site's Home
- tracker.js sends a POST request to stalker's API with GUID (which it generates and sets in a cookie or gets it if already defined), url of the page and current date/time
- stalker receives the JSON and creates a database record in a trackers table
- every time a user acesses some page in the example-site, the process above is done
- the user can create a Contact from the Contato page, filling all the fields in the respective form
- then, a record in the table contacts is created in the stalker's database
Stalker was made with ruby 2.5.0, using RVM, MySQL.
Clone the repository
$ git clone
Install dependencies (here, I used RVM with a gemset)
$ cd teste-back-end
$ gem install bundler
$ cd stalker
$ bundle install
$ cd ../example-site
$ bundle install
Create database, tables...
$ cd ../stalker
$ rake db:create
$ rake db:migrate
In your Terminal, enter stalker's folder, run bundle exec rails s
. Then, in another tab, enter example-site's folder and run bundle exec rails s -p 3001
(I used the 3001 port, but feel free to use any other port avaiable!).
Go to localhost:3001
in your browser. There, you can navigate through all the pages (Home, Contato, Sobre). All the tracking will be displayed in localhost:3000
All tests made with RSpec
$ cd stalker/
$ bundle exec rspec spec/ -cfd
$ cd ../example-site/
$ bundle exec rspec spec/ -cfd
- The Javascript lib makes realtime requests to the API. I didn't knew a lot about js, so most of its code was taken from multiple places that I've found when searching the internet, and adjusted to my needs. Because of that, I couldn't make automated tests for it. I tried to use Webmock to stub all requests made within the example-site, but couldn't make it work with Capybara (apparently they can't be used together without issues. Tried capybara-webmock gem too with no success).
- Apart from the mentioned above, I made all the testing that I could in both projects.
- Instead of Visitor A, B, etc., I left the Tracking Report page with the visitor's GUID. When he fills the Contact form and sends it, this GUID is recorded in the contacts table, along with name and e-mail. So, GUID is a field that associates a contact with a track (I didn't made the references in the tables, though).
- example-site uses the same database of stalker, so both have a Contact model, and example-site uses stalker's database.yml.
- Run both projects locally in the development environment.