
Open Source Light Field Toolbox for Super-Resolution

Primary LanguagePython


BasicLFSR is a PyTorch-based open-source and easy-to-use toolbox for Light Field (LF) image Super-Ressolution (SR). This toolbox introduces a simple pipeline to train/test your methods, and builds a benchmark to comprehensively evaluate the performance of existing methods. Our BasicLFSR can help researchers to get access to LF image SR quickly, and facilitates the development of novel methods. Welcome to contribute your own methods to the benchmark.

Note: This repository will be updated on a regular basis. Please stay tuned!


  • We provide a PyTorch-based open-source and easy-to-use toolbox for LF image SR.
  • We re-implement a number of existing methods on the unified datasets, and develop a benchmark for performance evaluation.
  • We share the codes, models and results of existing methods to help researchers better get access to this area.

News & Updates

  • Dec 10, 2021: Add the comparisions of model sizes of existing methods.


We used the EPFL, HCInew, HCIold, INRIA and STFgantry datasets for both training and test. Please first download our datasets via Baidu Drive (key:7nzy) or OneDrive, and place the 5 datasets to the folder ./datasets/.

  • Our project has the following structure:
    │    ├── EPFL
    │    │    ├── training
    │    │    │    ├── Bench_in_Paris.mat
    │    │    │    ├── Billboards.mat
    │    │    │    ├── ...
    │    │    ├── test
    │    │    │    ├── Bikes.mat
    │    │    │    ├── Books__Decoded.mat
    │    │    │    ├── ...
    │    ├── HCI_new
    │    ├── ...
  • Run Generate_Data_for_Training.m to generate training data. The generated data will be saved in ./data_for_train/ (SR_5x5_2x, SR_5x5_4x).
  • Run Generate_Data_for_Test.m to generate test data. The generated data will be saved in ./data_for_test/ (SR_5x5_2x, SR_5x5_4x).

Commands for Training

  • Run train.py to perform network training. Example for training [model_name] on 5x5 angular resolution for 2x/4x SR:
    $ python train.py --model_name [model_name] --angRes 5 --scale_factor 2 --batch_size 8
    $ python train.py --model_name [model_name] --angRes 5 --scale_factor 4 --batch_size 4
  • Checkpoints and Logs will be saved to ./log/, and the ./log/ has the following structure:
    │    ├── SR_5x5_2x
    │    │    ├── [dataset_name]
    │    │         ├── [model_name]
    │    │         │    ├── [model_name]_log.txt
    │    │         │    ├── checkpoints
    │    │         │    │    ├── [model_name]_5x5_2x_epoch_01_model.pth
    │    │         │    │    ├── [model_name]_5x5_2x_epoch_02_model.pth
    │    │         │    │    ├── ...
    │    │         │    ├── results
    │    │         │    │    ├── VAL_epoch_01
    │    │         │    │    ├── VAL_epoch_02
    │    │         │    │    ├── ...
    │    │         ├── [other_model_name]
    │    │         ├── ...
    │    ├── SR_5x5_4x

Commands for Test

  • Run test.py to perform network inference. Example for test [model_name] on 5x5 angular resolution for 2x/4xSR:

    $ python test.py --model_name [model_name] --angRes 5 --scale_factor 2  
    $ python test.py --model_name [model_name] --angRes 5 --scale_factor 4 
  • The PSNR and SSIM values of each dataset will be saved to ./log/, and the ./log/ has the following structure:

    │    ├── SR_5x5_2x
    │    │    ├── [dataset_name]
    │    │        ├── [model_name]
    │    │        │    ├── [model_name]_log.txt
    │    │        │    ├── checkpoints
    │    │        │    │   ├── ...
    │    │        │    ├── results
    │    │        │    │    ├── Test
    │    │        │    │    │    ├── evaluation.xls
    │    │        │    │    │    ├── [dataset_1_name]
    │    │        │    │    │    │    ├── [scene_1_name]
    │    │        │    │    │    │    │    ├── [scene_1_name]_CenterView.bmp
    │    │        │    │    │    │    │    ├── [scene_1_name]_SAI.bmp
    │    │        │    │    │    │    │    ├── views
    │    │        │    │    │    │    │    │    ├── [scene_1_name]_0_0.bmp
    │    │        │    │    │    │    │    │    ├── [scene_1_name]_0_1.bmp
    │    │        │    │    │    │    │    │    ├── ...
    │    │        │    │    │    │    │    │    ├── [scene_1_name]_4_4.bmp
    │    │        │    │    │    │    ├── [scene_2_name]
    │    │        │    │    │    │    ├── ...
    │    │        │    │    │    ├── [dataset_2_name]
    │    │        │    │    │    ├── ...
    │    │        │    │    ├── VAL_epoch_01
    │    │        │    │    ├── ...
    │    │        ├── [other_model_name]
    │    │        ├── ...
    │    ├── SR_5x5_4x


We benchmark several methods on the above datasets. PSNR and SSIM metrics are used for quantitative evaluation. To obtain the metric score for a dataset with M scenes, we first calculate the metric on AxA SAIs on each scene separately, then obtain the score for each scene by averaging its A^2 scores, and finally obtain the score for this dataset by averaging the scores of all its M scenes.

Note: A detailed review of existing LF image SR methods can be referred to YingqianWang/LF-Image-SR.

PSNR and SSIM values achieved by different methods on 5x5 LFs for 2xSR:

Methods Scale #Params. EPFL HCInew HCIold INRIA STFgantry Model
Bilinear x2 -- 28.480/0.9180 30.718/0.9192 36.243/0.9709 30.134/0.9455 29.577/0.9310
Bicubic x2 -- 29.740/0.9376 31.887/0.9356 37.686/0.9785 31.331/0.9577 31.063/0.9498
VDSR x2 0.665M 32.498/0.9598 34.371/0.9561 40.606/0.9867 34.439/0.9741 35.541/0.9789
EDSR x2 38.62M 33.089/0.9629 34.828/0.9592 41.014/0.9874 34.985/0.9764 36.296/0.9818
RCAN x2 15.31M 33.159/0.9634 35.022/0.9603 41.125/0.9875 35.046/0.9769 36.670/0.9831
resLF x2 7.982M 33.617/0.9706 36.685/0.9739 43.422/0.9932 35.395/0.9804 38.354/0.9904
LFSSR x2 0.888M 33.671/0.9744 36.802/0.9749 43.811/0.9938 35.279/0.9832 37.944/0.9898
LF-ATO x2 1.216M 34.272/0.9757 37.244/0.9767 44.205/0.9942 36.170/0.9842 39.636/0.9929
LF_InterNet x2 5.040M 34.112/0.9760 37.170/0.9763 44.573/0.9946 44.573/0.9946 38.435/0.9909
LF-DFnet x2
MEG-Net x2 1.693M 34.312/0.9773 37.424/0.9777 44.097/0.9942 36.103/0.9849 38.767/0.9915
IINet x2 4.837M 34.732/0.9773 37.768/0.9790 44.852/0.9948 36.566/0.9853 39.894/0.9936
LFT x2 1.114M 34.753/0.9778 37.762/0.9788 44.392/0.9944 36.503/0.9854 40.316/0.9939

PSNR and SSIM values achieved by different methods on 5x5 angular resolution for 4xSR:

Methods Scale #Params. EPFL HCInew HCIold INRIA STFgantry Model
Bilinear x4 -- 24.567/0.8158 27.085/0.8397 31.688/0.9256 26.226/0.8757 25.203/0.8261
Bicubic x4 -- 25.264/0.8324 27.715/0.8517 32.576/0.9344 26.952/0.8867 26.087/0.8452
VDSR x4 0.665M 27.246/0.8777 29.308/0.8823 34.810/0.9515 29.186/0.9204 28.506/0.9009
EDSR x4 38.89M 27.833/0.8854 29.591/0.8869 35.176/0.9536 29.656/0.9257 28.703/0.9072
RCAN x4 15.36M 27.907/0.8863 29.694/0.8886 35.359/0.9548 29.805/0.9276 29.021/0.9131
resLF x4 8.646M 28.260/0.9035 30.723/0.9107 36.705/0.9682 30.338/0.9412 30.191/0.9372
LFSSR x4 1.774M 28.596/0.9118 30.928/0.9145 36.907/0.9696 30.585/0.9467 30.570/0.9426
LF-ATO x4 1.364M 28.514/0.9115 30.880/0.9135 36.999/0.9699 30.711/0.9484 30.607/0.9430
LF_InterNet x4 5.483M 28.812/0.9162 30.961/0.9161 37.150/0.9716 30.777/0.9491 30.365/0.9409
LF-DFnet x4
MEG-Net x4 1.775M 28.749/0.9160 31.103/0.9177 37.287/0.9716 30.674/0.9490 30.771/0.9453
LF-IINet x4 4.886M 29.038/0.9188 31.331/0.9208 37.620/0.9734 31.034/0.9515 31.261/0.9502
LFT x4 1.163M 29.261/0.9209 31.433/0.9215 37.633/0.9735 31.219/0.9524 31.795/0.9543


We provide the result files generated by the aforementioned methods. (coming soon)

To Do List:

  • Upload the result files of each method.


We would like to thank Yingqian Wang for the helpful discussions and insightful suggestions regarding this repository.


Welcome to raise issues or email to zyliang@nudt.edu.cn for any question regarding our BasicLFSR.