
A list of online courses about machine learning engineering. (enrolled, completed, interested)

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Machine Learning Online Courses

The following is the content of this page


  • The following is a list of online courses about machine learning. (enrolled, completed, interested)
  • The order does not matter
  • The list is created on my own experience
  • I will keep updating this repo.



1. Stanford Machine Learning | Coursera

  • Recommend, fundamental concepts

  • Time consuming: two weeks, or one week in hard-working

  • Schedule: Completed

  • Note: None

  • I want to say: This is my first course in machine learning.

2. University of Washington Machine Learning | Coursera

3. Stanford CS229 Machine Learning

  • Recommend, machine learning algorithms

  • Time consuming: Very slow for personal reason.

  • Schedule: Interested

  • Note: None

  • I want to say: None

4. Stanford Algorithms | Coursera

5. UIUC Data Mining | Coursera

  • Courses:

    1. Data Visualization | Coursera
    2. Text Retrieval and Search Engines | Coursera
  • Recommend, data mining

  • Time consuming: one day per week, from 9:00am to 24:00pm

  • Schedule: 2/6 Completed

  • Note: None

  • I want to say:

    • I have completed the only first two courses for two reasons. Time consuming and problems about programming assignments.
    • The first course is helpful to those want to be a data analysis.
    • The second course introduce the fundamental concepts and application.

6. Ng Deep Learning | Coursera

7. Stanford CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition

  • Recommend, deep learning

  • Time consuming: Very slow for personal reason.

  • Schedule: interested

  • Note: None

  • I want to say: I only complete the CNN part of this course

8. Rice University Fundamentals of Computing | Coursera

9. Peking University 程序设计与算法 | Coursera

10. HSE Advanced Machine Learning Specialization | Coursera

11. Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree | Udacity

  • Courses:

  • Recommend,

  • Time consuming: one month

  • Schedule: Capstone

  • Note: None

  • I want to say:

    • Add projects in your resume.
    • Teach you the application of machine learning.
    • Consisting of supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning and deep learning.
    • It is not too difficult to complete the projects, but plenty of skills need to know.

12. Deep learning | Udacity

  • Not Recommend for fresh machine learning, deep learning

  • Time consuming:

  • Schedule: Completed

  • Note: None

  • I want to say:

13. How to Use Git and GitHub | Udacity

  • Recommend, Git and Github

  • Time consuming: eithor one day or three days, I forget

  • Schedule: Completed

  • Note: None

  • I want to say: Good course for me, but I do not use all the skills learned from this coures.

14. Intro to Computer Science | Udacity

  • Recommend, I want to know more about Python

  • Time consuming: Very long, 2 months

  • Schedule: Completed

  • Note:

    • Course's description, content, question and answer in Udacity can be found in my blog
  • I want to say:

    • time consuming
    • Introduction to computer science via python and web crawling
    • I wrote a script to crawl the content of Udacity to write my blog after this course

15. Programming Foundations with Python | Udacity

  • Highly Recommend, short introduction to python

  • Time consuming: one day or two days

  • Schedule: Completed

  • Note: None

  • I want to say:

    • Good course for fresh programmers.
    • You would know function, how to use class, how to build class after this course