
Development and debugging tool set (serial assistant, UDP debugging, TCP debugging and so on)

Primary LanguageC++


Build status Build Status


The goal of this project is to create an easy-to-use, multi-function, multi-language and cross-platform debugging tool set.

Debug Tools

Debuging Tools Windows x86 Linux x86 MacOS Raspberry Pi3/4 Andrroid Andrroid x86
SerialPorrt × × ×
TcpClient x ×
TcpServer x ×
UDP x ×
HID x x x x x ×
USB x x x x x ×
Bluetooth x(Win 10) x x x x ×

Build Tools

Build Tools Windows x86 Linux x86 MacOS Raspberry Pi3/4 Andrroid Andrroid x86
Qt Version 5.12 32bit 5.12 Qt 5.12 Qt 5.7 5.12 5.12
Compiler(api) MSVC 2017 GCC 7.3 CLANG 9 GCC 4.9 api level 28 api level 28

Ui-Main Window


About Project

  • Author : wuuhii
  • E-mail : wuuhii@outlook.com
  • Blog : http://wuhai.pro/
  • QQ Grroup: 952218522 (Tencent QQ Group)
  • Platforrm: Windows、Linux、MacOS、Android and so on
  • Copyright: (I do not know what is it yet)
                _           _
               | |         (_)
__      ___   _| |__   __ _ _
\ \ /\ / / | | | '_ \ / _` | |    sheng huo bu zhi yan qian de gou qie, hai you yuan fang de gou qie.
 \ V  V /| |_| | | | | (_| | |           but do not be upset, coding will make you happy.
  \_/\_/  \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|_|                                                               --Confucius