GPU Accelerated C++ User Interface, with WYSIWYG developing tools, XML supports, built-in data binding and MVVM features.
Read the LICENSE first.
- The release of the GacUI project is put in vczh-libraries/Release.
- DO NOT download source code from this repo if you are not intended to create push request. This is not for end users.
New website:
This website is under construction, but it is somehow useable now. The old one ( is deprecated. After the new website is finished, I will update all domains to the new website.
- The Tutorial section tells you how to begin using this marvelous GUI library.
- The DEMOES section show you all demos using this GUI library.
- The DOCUMENT section show you all simple documentation organized by C++ classes and functions.
Using this library requires you to use C++ source files directly in
- The Release folder for Vlpp, Workflow or GacUI.
- The GacGen.exe if you prefer to use XML to build your UI.
All other files are for librari development only.
This GUI library provides the following features:
- Develop your GUI using pure C++, Workflow script, XML or even JavaScript (under construction)
- Cross-platform abilities.
- for Windows: Just use the code here
- for Linux:
- for OSX:
- for running in Browser!: (under construction)
- Rich control library. Container controls supports MVC and virtual list mode.
- Control template system. You can write your own
- GPU acceleration.
- XML resource supports.
- You can use the provided GacGen.exe to generate multiple XML files with binary resources (images) into a compressed binary format.
- This program will also generate C++ code behind for you. You can fill event handlers (but we suggest you use MVVM and Data Binding instead) in generated C++ files.
- If you update your UI, GacGen.exe will merge your modification in C++ code and modification in XML together to generate new C++ code behind. Your update will still exist.
- NOTE: You will see a very obvious mark
USERIMPL(/* ... */)
in the generated code. Here is where you want to add your code. All your modification outside of these places will be discarded on the next GacGen.exe run.
- NOTE: You will see a very obvious mark
- MVVM and Data Binding.
- You can define interfaces that required to build your own MVVM pattern in XML and GacGen.exe will generate the C++ interface declaration for you.
- You can also use Workflow expressions in Data Binding and statements in event handlers (instead of writing C++ code in code behind).