
Primary LanguagePython


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How to install

A suitable conda environment named noisy_gait can be created and activated with:

conda env create -f noisy_gait.yaml
conda activate noisy_gait

Noisy Dataset Construction

First please download the original data.

CASIA-B http://www.cbsr.ia.ac.cn/GaitDatasetB-silh.zip

OUMVLP http://www.am.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp/BiometricDB/GaitMVLP.html

Outdoor-Gait https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XRWq40G3Zk03YaELywxuVKNodul4TziG

To create a noisy labels gait dataset on CL condition, use the following operation

python add_noisy_labels.py --src_dir CASIA-B --des_dir Noisy-CL-CASIA-B --noise_rate your_noise_rate

To create a noisy appearance gait dataset, use the following operation, choose the appearance typr as dilate or erode. The default probability is 0.5, the default position is [8,56]

python add_noisy_appearances.py --src_dir CASIA-B --des_dir Noisy-CL-CASIA-B --noise_rate your_noise_rate --clothdilate True --clotherode False

To create a random label noise gait dataset, use the following operation

python add_noisy_randm.py --src_dir CASIA-B --des_dir Noisy-CL-CASIA-B --noise_rate your_noise_rate

Run the code

You can choose the model zoo e.g. GaitSet, GaitGL in the ./config/XXX.yaml and uncomment the corresponding command in train.sh. Then,

train the model by

sh train.sh

test the model by

sh test.sh


We appreciate the wonderful base implementation from Fan etal. and their effort for keeping updates of this code base.