
Implementing the SOJA (2021) algorithm for Parallel Outer Join

Primary LanguagePython

SOJA Algorithm for Parallel Outer Join

This repository contains the code for running the SOJA algorithm as well as some benchmarking codes.

The main implementation uses multiprocessing library to simulate a distributed computing environment. See soja.py

Related documentations

Running SOJA

python soja.py --R-file benchmark/source/movies.csv --S-file benchmark/source/ratings_1000000.csv --concurrency-count 4

Note that, for this Proof of Concept, the algorithm expects the join attribute to be the first column in both CSV files and are both integers. The output of the parallel join operation can then be seen in output-soja.csv.


The benchmark test evaluates the SOJA algorithm against the ROJA algorithm on execution time and memory usage based on the:

  • Increse in size of left table
  • Increase in selectivity ratio
  • Increase in data skewness (Not tested due to SOJA's prerequisites of balanced partitions)

Refer to benchmark/ and benchmark/benchmark.py folder for implementations

Running benchmark test

make benchmark
