
Implementation of the Logistic Regression algorithm, for the DL course of my master program.

Primary LanguagePython

Logistic Regression

Python implementation of the Logistic Regression model, applied to and analysed on the iris dataset and the monk dataset. Main implementation of the algorithm can be found in src/logistic.py. A theoretical description of the model and the implementation is given below.


Required packages are listed in requirements.txt. Install them into your virtual environment with

pip install -r requirements.txt


usage: evaluate.py [-h] [--dataset {iris,monk}]
               [--features {0,1,2,3} [{0,1,2,3} ...]] [--exploration]
               [--performance] [--decision-boundary] [--no-plot] [--safe]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dataset {iris,monk}
                        the dataset to be used, either iris or monk
  --features {0,1,2,3} [{0,1,2,3} ...]
                        features used when dataset is iris
  --exploration         whether to plot the pairplot
  --performance         whether to plot performance measures
  --decision-boundary   whether to plot/save the decision boundary
  --no-plot             deactivate plotting for the decision boundary
  --safe                activate saving of decision boundary plot


The logistic regression model for binary classification is single-layered and has only one output unit that models the probability over the binary output by a Bernoulli distribution. The number of input units is determined by the number of features in the dataset, but augmented by one neuron of constant value 1 to represent the bias. A forward pass through this model is hence performed by the following equation:

That is, we take the dot product (sum of element-wise products) of weights (plus bias) and the augmented input and squeeze it into the range using the sigmoid function .

To update , we employ the Gradient Descent algorithm with batch size 1, i.e., Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD). Thus, during training, at each step the model samples one instance from the dataset without replacement. It then performs the forward pass to make a prediction . The objective of logistic regression is the maximization of the log likelihood of true labels given data and parameters . We can maximize by minimizing its negation using Gradient Descent. The gradient of the logistic loss for weight is given by

Based on the prediction from the forward pass, the true label and the input feature , SGD then updates the weights using the delta rule

The negation of is necessary since we minimize in gradient descent, but want to maximize the log likelihood (and therefore minimize its negation). is the learning rate that controls the step size of the Gradient Descent. If steps are too small, learning will take too long. If the steps are too large, it can happen that the optimization does not converge to the minimum but oscillates around it.

Furthermore, a regularization term is added to the loss , controlled by the weight decay rate :

The partial derivative that needs to be added to the gradient of equation [eq:gradient] is

Since we do not want to prevent the bias from taking any necessary value, we only apply weight decay to all except for .


Pairplot of the iris dataset<span label="fig:explo"></span>

The logistic regression model described above is tested on two datasets: the iris dataset and the monk dataset. The iris dataset consists of three classes, with 50 data points each. The figure above visualizes the dataset in a pairplot. It becomes apparent from this plot that the classes setosa and versicolor can be unambigously distinguished by the use of any two features. We will leverage this fact in order to make the above described model applicable to the iris dataset by only taking the first 100 samples into account and hence dropping the last class. The clear distinguishability of the remaining classes allows us to experiment with only 2 input features that we can plot along the learned decision boundary.

The monk dataset is an artificial dataset consisting of 2 classes. It can therefore be used out of the box for this model. There are a total of 432 samples with 6 features, all in the form of integers.


As both iris and monk are presented in convenient format, not much preprocessing is necessary. In fact, we only apply normalization of the features by using z-score standardization given as

where is the mean and the standard deviation of the feature. For both datasets, the samples are randomly distributed over train and test set in a 80/20 split.


Iris Dataset

Development of train set and test set loss and accuracy over 30 epochs on the iris dataset.<span label="fig:perfiris"></span>

For experiments on the Iris dataset, the learning rate is set to 0.05 and the weight decay to 0.005. The figure above shows the development of loss and accuracy over epochs of training. The figures below show the decision boundaries trained with different feature pairs along the training and testing data points respectively.

Train Data Test Data

As these figures demonstrate, the learned decision boundaries separate the two clusters of points corresponding to two classes without errors. The decision boundaries also work for the unseen test data. Note though, that for example in the two bottom left plots of Figure [fig:decision-boundaries] there are some data points lying further away from the cluster. If these would have not been part of the training set, then the decision boundary may have been further tilted in a way minimizing the loss of the training data, but misclassifying these "outliers" in the test set.

Effect of Regularization

Table 1 shows results on the iris dataset (using features 0 and 2) after 200 epochs for three configurations: no regularization at all, regularization with and regularization with . Only the loss is reported as the accuracy stays at and does not allow for nuanced analysis. With a low both the train and test loss decrease. With a higher weight decay of , the test loss[1] further decreases while the train loss increases. While the model is still very good for the test data, we hence observe first signs of underfitting due to too much regularization. These results were consistent using different random seedings.

Train Test
No Regularization 0.032 0.0173
0.005 0.0218 0.0079
0.05 0.3568 0

Loss after 200 epochs on the iris dataset using no regularization, weight decay with rate and rate .

Learning Rate Tuning

Convergence (loss) over 100 epochs on the iris dataset for different learning rates.<span label="fig:lr"></span>

We can explore the effects of different learning rates by plotting the convergence of the model when using them. Such a plot is given in the figure above. It can be clearly observed, that lower learning rates cause slower convergence, but for this simple problem do not results in better convergence at later epochs. Given the very low loss achieved after only few epochs when using higher learning rates such as shows that the simplicity of the problem allows for choosing such high learning rates.

Monk Dataset

The monk data set turned out to be a more complicated problem and the model did not manage to achieve accuracy. Figure 4 shows the development of loss and accuracy. As a learning rate, showed to produce good results based on informal experiments. A weight decay actually showed to be harmful in this experiment, which is why it is deactivated here. Table [tab:monk] also shows exact results on the monk dataset after epochs.

Development of train set and test set loss and accuracy over 30 epochs on the monk dataset.<span label="fig:perfmonk"></span>

Train Test
Accuracy 0.758 0.8
Loss 0.457 0.36

Loss and Accuracy after 200 epochs on the monk dataset.