
Combinational ATPG generator based on D-Algorithm

Primary LanguageVerilog

atpgGenerator - Combinational ATPG generator.

Arun. C (arunc@ee.iitb.ac.in) EE-709 - Testing and Verification for VLSI Circuits. Project Guide : Prof. Virender Singh.

Directories and files: compile.bash - compilation script. code/ - source code. docs/ - report and presentation. bin/ - Directory where the final executable will go after compiling. examples/ - sample circuits (verilog) and results. benchmarks/- Bench mark circuits. ISCAS-85.

Compiling: cd ./code g++ -g -Wall -Wno-deprecated main.cpp -lboost_regex -lboost_graph -o ../bin/atpgGenerator

Usage: ${PATH}/atpgGenerator ex1.v | tee ex1.log Result: cat ex1.v_fault.lst

Dept of Electrical Engineering - IIT Bombay