
A Typescript React Native boilerplate to start your project quickly

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

License: MIT Codecov Coverage PRs Welcome

Typescript React Native Starter

This is an opionated configuration for typescript react native project.


  • Typescript

  • Flux State management

    • Redux: predictable state container

    • Redux Persist: offline store

    • typesafe-actions: create typesafe actions easily

      import { action } from 'typesafe-actions';
      import * as types from './actionTypes';
      export const myAction = payload => action(types.MY_ACTION_TYPE, payload);
    • Redux Saga: side effect model for Redux

  • Navigation

  • Unit testing

  • CI/CD

    • Run linting pre-commit and unit testing pre-push with husky's hooks
    • Placeholder App Icon: useful for uploading your app to beta quickly with Fastlane
    • App Icon generator: generate all required sizes, label and annotate icon.
    • Placeholder feature graphic and screenshot to upload beta android app quickly
  • Linting

    • Tslint configured with Airbnb styles
    • VSCode Prettier compatible
  • Internationalization and localization

  • Others

Project Structure

├── __tests__                            // Unit tests
│   ├── App.test.tsx                     // App component's tests
│   ├── components
│   │   └── MyComponent.test.txs
│   └── ...
├── android
├── app.json
├── assets                               // All assets: images, videos, ...
├── index.js
├── ios
├── publishing                           // Icon, screenshots, preview,... for App Store & Play Store
└── src
    ├── App.tsx
    ├── actions                          // Actions
    │   ├── actionTypes.ts               // Action types
    │   └── app.ts                       // appReducer's actions
    ├── components                       // Components
    │   └── MyComponent.tsx
    ├── constants                        // Colors, sizes, routes,...
    │   └── strings.ts                   // i18n
    ├── containers                       // Screens, pages,...
    ├── lib                              // Libraries, services,...
    ├── index.tsx                        // Root component
    ├── reducers                         // Reducers
    │   └── app.ts                       // appReducer
    ├── sagas                            // Redux sagas
    ├── store.ts
    ├── types                            // Type declarations
    │   └── index.d.ts
    └── utils                            // Utilities


  • Clone this repo
    git clone git@github.com:NewBieBR/typescript-react-native.git <PROJECT_NAME>
  • Execute the installtion script
    ./bin/install.sh <PROJECT_NAME>

if (you want to use Codecov) {

} else {

  • Change husky > pre-push to yarn test in package.json


Manual Installation

  • Clone this repo

    git clone git@github.com:NewBieBR/typescript-react-native.git <PROJECT_NAME>
  • Install dependencies

  • Rename the project

    yarn run rename <PROJECT_NAME>
  • Migrate to AndroidX to support React Native 0.60

    yarn jetify
  • Update pods

    cd ios && pod install
  • Remove .git

    rm -rf .git

if (you want to use Codecov) {

} else {

  • Change husky > pre-push to yarn test in package.json



Responsiveness with React Native Normalize

Use the normalize functio from react-native-normalize whenever you have to use a hard value (100, 200, 1000,...). This function will adapt your value accordingly to different screen sizes

Without normalize

With normalize


You can navigate without navigation prop by using NavigationService from src/lib/NavigationService.ts

import NavigationService from '../lib/NavigationService';


NavigationService.navigate('ChatScreen', { userName: 'Lucy' });


When you run react-native link and the linked library has podspec file, then the linking will use Podfile. To disable this feature, remove

# Add new pods below this line

from line 24 in ios/Podfile

Static bundle

The static bundle is built every time you target a physical device, even in Debug. To save time, the bundle generation is disabled in Debug


You can use react-native-screens with react-navigation in order to improve memory consumption

  • Install and follow steps in Usage with react-navigation (without Expo) from react-native-screens

  • Open ./src/index.tsx and uncomment

// import { useScreens } from 'react-native-screens';
// useScreens();

Beta distribution with Fastlane

  • Install fastlane
    # Using RubyGems
    sudo gem install fastlane -NV
    # Alternatively using Homebrew
    brew cask install fastlane


  • Open your project Xcode workspace and update your app's Bundle Identifier and Team
  • Initialize fastlane
    cd <PROJECT_NAME>/ios
    fastlane init
  • Distribute your app
    fastlane beta


  • Collect your Google Credentials

  • Open your project with Android Studio and update your app's applicationId in build.gradle (Module: app) file

  • Select Generated Signed Bundle / APK... from the Build menu

  • Next then Create new... under Key store path then Next and Finish

  • The first time you deploy your application, you MUST upload it into Google Play Console manually. Google don't allow to use theirs APIs for the first upload.

  • Create your application in the Google Play Console (unlike for iOS Fastlane cannot do that for you)

  • Make sure that these 4 checkmark icons are green

    Recommended order: Pricing & distribution, Content rating, Store listing and App releases

    You can find the required assets for Store listing in the publishing/android folder

  • Initialize fastlane

    cd <PROJECT_NAME>/android
    fastlane init
  • Use the Fastfile from publishing

    cp publishing/android/fastlane/Fastfile android/fastlane
  • Distribute your app

    fastlane beta

    There is no official plugin to automatically upgrade android version code (unlike the iOS lane). Before each deployment, be sure to manually upgrade the versionCode value inside android/app/build.gradle.


Apple Store Connect's missing compliance

If you dont' use Fastlane and you don't want to Provide Export Compliance Information at every push , then add this to your Info.plist


Note that you might have to set that to <true/> if your app uses encryption