
c++20 compile-time object-models and data serialization

Primary LanguageC++


c++20 compile-time object model

fully static strict typing for compile-time serialization

stop iterating over parse-trees - statically emit from and parse into c++ variables, arrays and structs directly

Note: This is similar to a strict-typed, compile-time boost property tree.



ctom is a single-header library which allows you to define compile-time object models, statically analze their structure, and use this to emit and parse various serialization formats.

ctom supports value-types, sequence-types and object-types.

Instead of iterating over json or yaml node trees, you can statically declare your object-model to directly emit from or parse into a standard c++ struct or class.

ctom allows for separation between object-model declarations and implementations, as well as the extension of existing models.

It works by using modern c++ techniques including concepts, template meta-programming and class-template argument deduction to provide a declarative api. Originally inspired by golang semantic tags.

struct Foo: ctom::obj<                              // declare model w. implementation
    ctom::key<"my-int", int>
    int some_int = 2;
      this->val<"my-int">() = some_int;

int main(){
    Foo foo;                                        // create-instance 
    std::cout<<ctom::yaml::emit<<foo;               // emit yaml to stream

    foo.some_int = 1;                               // change member via struct ref
    std::cout<<ctom::yaml::emit<<foo;               // emit yaml to stream

    foo.get<"my-int">() = 3;                        // change member via ctom::key
    std::cout<<ctom::yaml::emit<<foo;               // emit yaml to stream
    std::cout<<"some_int = "<<foo.some_int<<"\n";   // output the struct member 
"my-int": 2
"my-int": 1
"my-int": 3
some_int = 3


Compile-Time Object-Model Declarations

Note: All code in this section taken from examples/0_def

Note that the following examples are fully-static, showing only the declarations. They are separated from the implementation for simplicity. For implementations and tying to actual values, as well as serialization, see further below.


Simple Object
using Foo = ctom::obj<
    ctom::key<"foo-int", int>,
    ctom::key<"foo-float", float>,
    ctom::key<"foo-double", double>

ctom::print<Foo>(); // NOTE: FULLY STATIC! NO INSTANCE!
val: [foo-int]
val: [foo-float]
val: [foo-double]
Simple Array
using Barr = ctom::arr<4, int>;

val: [0]
val: [1]
val: [2]
val: [3]
Nested Object/Array
using Bar = ctom::obj<
    ctom::key<"bar-foo", Foo>,
    ctom::key<"bar-char", char>,
    ctom::key<"bar-barr", Barr>

using Baz = ctom::obj<
    ctom::key<"baz-bar", Bar>,
    ctom::key<"baz-bool", bool>

obj: [baz-bar]
  obj: [bar-foo]
    val: [foo-int]
    val: [foo-float]
    val: [foo-double]
  val: [bar-char]
  arr: [bar-barr]
    val: [0]
    val: [1]
    val: [2]
    val: [3]
val: [baz-bool]
Nested Array/Object
using Maz = ctom::obj<
    ctom::key<"maz-char", char>

using Marr = ctom::arr<3, Maz>;

using MarrArr = ctom::arr<2, Marr>;

arr: [0]
  obj: [0]
    val: [maz-char]
  obj: [1]
    val: [maz-char]
  obj: [2]
    val: [maz-char]
arr: [1]
  obj: [0]
    val: [maz-char]
  obj: [1]
    val: [maz-char]
  obj: [2]
    val: [maz-char]
Extended Object
using FooExt = Foo::ext<
    ctom::key::val<"foo-ext-int", int>,
    ctom::key::obj<"foo-ext-foo", Foo>

val: [foo-int]
val: [foo-float]
val: [foo-double]
val: [foo-ext-int]
obj: [foo-ext-foo]
  val: [foo-int]
  val: [foo-float]
  val: [foo-double]
Extended Array
using MarrExt = Marr::ext<3, Maz>;

obj: [0]
  val: [maz-char]
obj: [1]
  val: [maz-char]
obj: [2]
  val: [maz-char]
obj: [3]
  val: [maz-char]
obj: [4]
  val: [maz-char]
obj: [5]
  val: [maz-char]

Run-Time Object-Model Implementations

Note: All code in this section taken from examples/1_impl

You can also combine the declaration and the implementation directly.


Simple Object
struct Foo_Impl: Foo {
  int x = 1;
  float y = 0.5f;
    this->val<"foo-int">() = x;
    this->val<"foo-float">() = y;
} foo_impl;


foo_impl.get<"foo-int">() = 2;        // get-based assignment
foo_impl.get<"foo-float">() = 0.25f;

val: "foo-int" = 1
val: "foo-float" = 0.5
val: "foo-double" = 
val: "foo-int" = 2
val: "foo-float" = 0.25
val: "foo-double" = 
Simple Array
struct Barr_Impl: Barr {
  int barr[4] = {0, 1, 2, 3};
    this->val<0>() = barr[0];
    this->val<1>() = barr[1];
    this->val<2>() = barr[2];
    this->val<3>() = barr[3];
} barr_impl;


barr_impl.barr[0] = 3;  // direct assignment
barr_impl.barr[1] = 2;
barr_impl.barr[2] = 1;
barr_impl.barr[3] = 0;

Barr_Impl new_barr_impl;    // instances are properly separated!

val: [0] = 0
val: [1] = 1
val: [2] = 2
val: [3] = 3
val: [0] = 3
val: [1] = 2
val: [2] = 1
val: [3] = 0
val: [0] = 0
val: [1] = 1
val: [2] = 2
val: [3] = 3
Nested Object/Array
struct Bar_Impl: Bar {
  Foo_Impl foo;
  char c = 'x';
  Barr_Impl barr;
    this->val<"bar-foo">() = foo;
    this->val<"bar-char">() = c;
    this->val<"bar-barr">() = barr;

struct Baz_Impl: Baz {
  Bar_Impl bar_impl;
  bool b = true;
    this->val<"baz-bar">() = bar_impl;
    this->val<"baz-bool">() = b;
} baz_impl;

obj: "baz-bar" = 
  obj: "bar-foo" = 
    val: "foo-int" = 1
    val: "foo-float" = 0.5
    val: "foo-double" = 
  val: "bar-char" = x
  arr: "bar-barr" = [
    val: [0] = 0
    val: [1] = 1
    val: [2] = 2
    val: [3] = 3
val: "baz-bool" = 1
Nested Array/Object
struct Maz_Impl: Maz {
  char c = ' ';
     this->val<"maz-char">() = c;

struct Marr_Impl: Marr {
  Maz_Impl maz[3];
    this->val<0>() = maz[0];
    this->val<1>() = maz[1];
    this->val<2>() = maz[2];

struct MarrArr_Impl: MarrArr {
  Marr_Impl marr[2];
    this->val<0>() = marr[0];
    this->val<1>() = marr[1]; 
} marrarr_impl;

marrarr_impl.marr[0].maz[0].c = 'a';
marrarr_impl.marr[0].maz[1].c = 'b';
marrarr_impl.marr[0].maz[2].c = 'c';
marrarr_impl.marr[1].maz[0].c = 'd';
marrarr_impl.marr[1].maz[1].c = 'e';
marrarr_impl.marr[1].maz[2].c = 'f';


marrarr_impl.get<0>().get<0>().get<"maz-char">() = 'g';
marrarr_impl.get<0>().get<1>().get<"maz-char">() = 'h';
marrarr_impl.get<0>().get<2>().get<"maz-char">() = 'i';
marrarr_impl.get<1>().get<0>().get<"maz-char">() = 'j';
marrarr_impl.get<1>().get<1>().get<"maz-char">() = 'k';
marrarr_impl.get<1>().get<2>().get<"maz-char">() = 'l';

arr: [0] = [
  obj: [0] = 
    val: "maz-char" = a
  obj: [1] = 
    val: "maz-char" = b
  obj: [2] = 
    val: "maz-char" = c
arr: [1] = [
  obj: [0] = 
    val: "maz-char" = d
  obj: [1] = 
    val: "maz-char" = e
  obj: [2] = 
    val: "maz-char" = f
arr: [0] = [
  obj: [0] = 
    val: "maz-char" = g
  obj: [1] = 
    val: "maz-char" = h
  obj: [2] = 
    val: "maz-char" = i
arr: [1] = [
  obj: [0] = 
    val: "maz-char" = j
  obj: [1] = 
    val: "maz-char" = k
  obj: [2] = 
    val: "maz-char" = l


Different serialization formats have stream-modifiers, which allow you to pass an object-model instance directly to the stream.

Note that parsing of serialized data is simplified in this library, because of the declarative object-model. Instead of infering structure from the data, structure is known and the data is expected to match.


std::cout << ctom::yaml::emit << foo_impl;
"foo-int": 1
"foo-float": 0.5
"foo-double": null
std::ifstream yaml_file("config.yaml");

  try {
    yaml_file >> ctom::yaml::parse >> foo_impl;
  } catch(ctom::yaml::exception e){
    std::cout<<"Failed to parse config.yaml: "<<e.what()<<std::endl;




std::cout << ctom::json::emit << foo_impl;
  "foo-int": "1",
  "foo-float": "0.5",
  "foo-double": ""

ctom::json::parse: WIP



  • Serialization
    • Implement Basic JSON Parser
    • Allow out-of-order member parsing for objects (if possible)
    • Handle more quote types
    • Marshal scalars better (quoted / unquoted, NULL values)
  • Compile-Time Checking
    • Replace some direct concepts with static-asserts for more helpful error messages
    • Static assert valid json keys, valid yaml keys, etc.
  • Assignment
    • Assignment to / from STL containers and array-types for ease-of-use
    • Define full set of allowed value-types
  • Reduce the code-size wherever possible within reason!

other thoughts

There are a number of features which c++20 doesn't have, which make a more elegant interface difficult. For instance, there are no static subscript operators, which mean that I can't properly index without using user-defined literals. But then to index with a number (e.g. size_t), this is not possible at all because of the way number-literals are (arbitrarily) restrained. What a mess.

Therefore, we have to use static get<> member functions.