
Hourglass detection files

Closed this issue · 5 comments


The SH detections do not seem to be available anymore. Also in the main repo (https://github.com/una-dinosauria/3d-pose-baseline) there is no code available for hourglass detections. Does anyone happen to have the detection files, i.e. 'train_2d_ft.pth.tar' and 'test_2d_ft.pth.tar'? Or the code for the stacked hourglass model that was used to produce the results?

At the moment I am only able to run my experiments with the GT. It would be great if someone could help me with the SH detections :)


detection files with SHM here, which has been in #25

Nice! Thank you very much!

@Charlulote Hello! Have you run train_2d_ft.pth.tar and test_2d_ft.pth.tar on other models and I've run it on other models, whose performance is very poor. So I want to know if the train_2d_ft.pth.tar contains the same kind of joints and the same order of joints as it did on train_2d.pth.tar and train_3d.pth.tar ? Thanks!

@guoyuhang1996 there are similar issues to yours, where he explains his mistaking in processing the predicted results of hourglass model. you can check

Thank you so much for your reply. But can you tell me where did he explain his mistake? @Charlulote