
aks with application gateway as ingress tutorial

Primary LanguageShell

Azure Kubernetes Services Tutorial

Deployment Steps


  1. docker
  2. kubectl
  3. helm
  4. Azure CLI
  5. Contributor access to Azure subscription.


  1. Login to Azure Portal and create a new resource group, named "rg-agw-aks-demo" in West US region.
  2. Create new VNet with below details:-
    a) Name: vnet-agw-aks-demo
    b) Address Space:
    c) Subnet Name: aks-subnet-agw-aks-demo
    d) Subnet Address Space:
    e) Service Endpoint: Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB
  3. Once the Vnet is created, add another subnet with name: agw-subnet-agw-aks-demo
  4. Create a k8s cluster with the below details:- (Rest is default)
    a) Name: k8s-cluster-agw-aks-demo
    b) DNS Prefix: k8s-cluster-agw-aks-demo
    c) Kubernetes Cluster Version: 1.12.6
    d) Region: West US
  5. Networking - Advance
    a) Virtual Network: vnet-agw-aks-demo
    b) Cluster Subnet: aks-subnet-agw-aks-demo
    c) Kubernetes Service address:
    d) Kubernetes DNS Service IP:
    e) Docker Bridge Address:
    f) Disable Monitoring.
  6. Validate and Create the cluster.
  7. Create a new application gateway with below details
    a) Name: gateway-agw-aks-demo
    b) Tier: Standard V2
    c) Capacity Type: Manual
    d) Subnet: Choose agw-subnet-agw-aks-demo
  8. Make sure to create a public IP with DNS Name label.
  9. Pull k8s credentials to your local with the below command. Make sure you are logged into correct a/c with 'az login'
   az aks get-credentials --resource-group=rg-agw-aks-demo --name=k8s-cluster-agw-aks-demo
  1. Add aad-pod-identity with the below command
    kubectl create -f ~/AppDev/training/azure/Aks/deployment.yaml   
  1. Create Identity in the same resource group as the AKS nodes (typically the resource group with a MC_ prefix string)
    az identity create -g MC_rg-agw-aks-demo_k8s-cluster-agw-aks-demo_westus -n agw-aks-demo-user 
  1. Find the principal, resource and client ID for this identity with the below command
    az identity show -g MC_rg-agw-aks-demo_k8s-cluster-agw-aks-demo_westus -n agw-aks-demo-user 
  1. Assign this new identity Contributor access on the application gateway
az role assignment create --role Contributor --assignee <principal ID from the command above> --scope <Resource ID of Application Gateway>
  1. Assign this new identity Reader access on the resource group that the application gateway belongs to
az role assignment create --role Reader --assignee <principal ID from the command above> --scope <Resource ID of Application Gateway Resource Group>
  1. Add the application-gateway-kubernetes-ingress helm repo and perform a helm update
    helm init
    helm repo add application-gateway-kubernetes-ingress https://azure.github.io/application-gateway-kubernetes-ingress/helm/
    helm repo update
  1. Edit helm-config.yaml and fill in the values

The and are the properties of the Azure AD Identity you setup in the previous section. You can retrieve this information by running the following command: ```bash az identity show -g -n ``` Where is the resource group in which the top level AKS cluster object, Application Gateway and Managed Identify are deployed.

  1. Install the helm chart with the command
    helm install -f helm-config.yaml application-gateway-kubernetes-ingress/ingress-azure
  1. Create "ConfigMap" and "Secret" for cosmos DB connection
    kubectl create configmap cosmos-properties --from-literal=cosmos.uri=https://cosmos-fspt-dev1-dmz.documents.azure.com:443/ --from-literal=cosmos.db=cosmos-fspt-dev1-db1
    kubectl create secret generic cosmos-secret --from-literal=cosmos.key=2wbROjQh3vc4orEX6fXfekoXmv2XXfxJ0AIZxjGARbEo2WM5xgqnYK2qsShA1gGHuq60teQokPmqkhT7jbYqHg==
  1. Deploy "k8s-welcome" service with the below command
    kubectl apply -f k8s-welcome-service.yaml
  1. Deploy "cosmos-reference" service with the below command
    kubectl apply -f cosmos-reference.yaml
  1. Deploy "ip-tracing" service with the below command
    kubectl apply -f ip-tracing-service.yaml
  1. Deploy context-based routing rules
    kubectl apply -f agw-deployment.yaml

Scaling pods

  1. Manually scale pods
    kubectl scale --replicas=5 deployment/k8s-welcome
  1. Use below command to deploy metric-server
    git clone https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/metrics-server.git
    kubectl create -f metrics-server/deploy/1.8+/
  1. Use the below command to set autoscaling criteria. In this case its, based on CPU threshold of 50%, min 3 and max 10 pods
    kubectl autoscale deployment k8s-welcome --cpu-percent=50 --min=3 --max=10

Scaling Nodes

  1. Use the below command to scale nodes (or from Portal)
    az aks scale --resource-group rg-agw-aks-demo --name k8s-cluster-agw-aks-demo --node-count 5
  1. Node Autoscaling is in preview. Please refer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/cluster-autoscaler for more details.