
This code referenced from funkey/mala. Paper is Large Scale Image Segmentation with Structured Loss Based Deep Learning for Connectome Reconstruction

  1. Environment
    docker image: renwu527/auto-emseg:v4.1

  2. Preprocessing
    Convert segmentation label to boundary
    See the from line 106 to line 109
    GrowBoundary is to make the boundary of the label thicker
    seg_to_affgraph is to convert label to boundary
    For the different training data, we must change the name of raw image and labels in the line 86 and 102 (in the For different data formats (png, 3d tiff, hdf and so on), we need to change the way of reading slightly.

  3. Training

    python -dp='../data'

    -dp is the path of the training data, including raw image and labels.

  4. Inference

    python -in='../data/***.tif' -out='../affs' -ite=100000

    -in is the path of the data need to be predicted.
    -out is the outpath of predicted affinity and mask.
    -ite is the iteration times of trained model from the step 2.

  5. Over-segmentation and agglomeration

    python2 -in='../affs' -out='../inference' -nu=500 -t=0.5

    -nu is the depth of inference data (the z dimension).
    -t is the threshold used to agglomerate.

  6. Evaluate

    python -seg='../inference/segmentation.hdf' -gt='../data/gt.hdf'

    -seg is the output of the step 4.
    -gt is the groundtruth of inference data.