
Docker build of the experimental beaker browser with peer-to-peer Web protocols.

MIT LicenseMIT


Docker build of the experimental beaker browser with peer-to-peer Web protocols.


Running the image

Automated (recommended)

docker run --rm -it --init -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix/ -e DISPLAY weiji14/beaker-browser


git clone https://github.com/weiji14/beaker-browser.git
cd beaker-browser
docker build -f Dockerfile -t beaker-browser .
docker run --rm -it --init -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix/ -e DISPLAY beaker-browser


If nothing seems to happen, you may need to allow access to the X Server from other hosts using a tool like xhost (see here). Try running xhost +local:, then re-run the command above.