
Primary LanguageSolidity

Hello world in Noir

This repository contains a circuit which allows you to prove that you know a number which is less than 6 and is not 0.

Much of this code is from the MIT-licensed noir-starter repository.

Getting started

The code works has been tested with Nargo 0.6.0 and Forge 0.2.0.

Follow the instructions in the Noir Docs to install nargo.

Next, install foundryup:

curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash

Generate the verifier contract using nargo:

cd circuits
nargo codegen-verifier

A file named plonk_vk.sol should appear in the circuits folder.

To generate a proof, first make sure that Prover.toml contains this text:

x = 5

Since the logic in the circuit is meant to allow the prover to prove knowledge of a value between 0 and 6 (exclusive), x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.

Next, run this command, also in the circuits folder:

nargo prove p

A file named p.proof should appear in the proofs folder.

Finally, test that the verifier contract works:

forge test