Plonk proof generation in the browser with snarkjs

This is a demonstration of Plonk proof generation in the browser using snarkjs. It uses a circuit with 426 R1CS constraints and 0 public inputs.


First, clone this repository and install dependencies:

git clone && \
cd snarkjs_plonk_in_browser && \
npm i

Next, compile the test circuit, download the right .ptau file, generate the .zkey file, and export the verification key:


Run a local HTTP server:

npx http-server

Open http://localhost:8080. Click on the "Create proof" button.


R1CS Constraints Proving time (s)
426 3.3
2982 21.1

Example output

 Time taken: 2.517 seconds
 Valid?: true
 Proof: {
 "A": [
 "B": [
 "C": [
 "Z": [
 "T1": [
 "T2": [
 "T3": [
 "eval_a": "8628535747123098632139114311704879978090455268047166641248629222387671917005",
 "eval_b": "13630095352936267670665862744187525231990844902981063402056238180659693881299",
 "eval_c": "20609736107231292567270418494045834991871691636667172353051406453497416020510",
 "eval_s1": "16750881421793667976064707785779903355711314772459338550375715712605313993798",
 "eval_s2": "1300839786235323679846200507701110351324131872184257423092301005308146467239",
 "eval_zw": "17119531509877691600653135182188737943125683978338624976544533352503516390960",
 "eval_r": "19913688112601090205125778351826913351537292267999868690664926141717099679637",
 "Wxi": [
 "Wxiw": [
 "protocol": "plonk",
 "curve": "bn128"