Backend of IP detection service

This project is for demostrate setting up the backend of an user IP detection service on AWS serverless cloud environment.

The backend service is a AWS lambda function developed with Node.js Serverless Framework.

Live Demo:

Backend Process Flow Diagram

Backend lookup ISP information from two different source, because has more accurate Geo-location, provides country flag image.


participant F as Frontend
participant B as Backend
participant A as
participant S as

F->>B: Fetch IP information 
activate B
B->>B: get sourceIp from requestContext
B->>A: Lookup ISP information using sourceIp
B->>S: Lookup ISP information using sourceIp
A-->>B: ISP information
S-->>B: ISP information
B-->>F: Return IP information
deactivate B


Run backend application locally

# Install serverless framework globally
$ npm install serverless -g

# Change working directory to this project folder
$ cd serverless-demo-api

# install dependencies
$ npm install # Or yarn install

# Starting offline server at localhost:3000
$ npm run start-sls
# or
$ sls offline start

Setup AWS credentials for serverless framework

  1. Login AWS console
  2. Go to Sercurity & Identity => Identity & Access Management (IAM)
  3. IAM Management Console => Users => Create New Users

Create an new IAM user with following setting name: serverless-demo access type: programmatic access Set permissions => Attach existing policies directly => AdministractorAccess Review => Create User

Keep new user credentials Access Key ID & Secret Access Key handy for serverless framework configuration

# configure AWS profiles for serverless framework
$ serverless config credentials --provider aws --key <Access Key ID> --secret <Secret Access Key>

Setup AWS API Gateway custom domain

Configure API Gateway to use my own domain name for an API and Stage, also backed by an ACM certificate for HTTPS connection.

This part, I configured through AWS console website. If details are required, I can provide screenshot.

Build and deploy project to AWS using Serverless Framework

Serverless Framework will using serverless.yml in the project folder (Infrastructure as code) to generate AWS Resource CloudFormation template, automatically upload to S3 bucket, and create AWS resouce stack as specified in the CloudFormation template.

# Change working directory to this project folder
$ cd serverless-demo-api

# Build & deploy project
$ npm run deploy
# or 
$ sls deploy

Enable AWS API Gateway CORS for frontend local testing

This part, I configured through AWS console website. If details are required, I can provide screenshot.