Codes for the AAAI 2020 paper "F3Net: Fusion, Feedback and Focus for Salient Object Detection"
- AstonyJ
- BentengMa
- CachChengSC
- Cecile1998Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- chm826017
- dengqiangzhang-tju
- eugenelawrence
- Eurus-HolmesCreatify AI
- fengenxiang1123
- garry1ngSouth China Univ. of Tech.
- GewelsJIANU
- GrassBroCityU
- hejie126
- hluo29City University of Hong Kong
- huadashaonian
- kelisiya
- lartpangDUT
- lnq325805524SWJTU
- lospookyBerlin, Germany
- mj3052@Confect-io
- muscus353
- musicrainie
- muzi-8http://www.ie.ac.cn/
- nemonamelessBaidu
- onefish51HangZhou,China
- panmyuan
- pengqianli
- Rottinson
- StormArcherChina
- wanna-be-geekKWAI
- wuzhe71
- Y1Lu
- yushifengQDU
- ZhangC2Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- zhaoyihao12345
- zhouyu-hustHUST